RSHabroptilus: I used to know more about this stuff when I was into metal and zombie flicks &c 5 years ago. I don't remember hearing about Dario Argento making a different cut of the film. You also write it so it sounds like the Goblin soundtrack is exclusive to the Italian release???
Yes, Argento edited the Italian version of the movie. And for what I recall the American edition did not have the Goblin OST.... The cult is the same, anyway, but the Italian version is just superior....
RSHabroptilus: Lucio Fulci is the man who made Zombi 2--as Dawn of the Dead was release as Zombi in Italy--, now known as just Zombie. He's about as famous as Dario Argento. IMO, they both suck.
Never seen a film by Lucio Fulci. Anyway Fulci's and Argento's movie are different things, and Argento doesn't suck at all.
RSHabroptilus: I always thought giallo was more crime than horror, that giallo and horror were separate genres, even though a lot of directors like Fulci and Argento made giallo films in the '70s as well as horror.
"Giallo" movies are like a thriller with gore. "Pure" horror films are a different thing, and Argento made both the types of them. "Suspiria", for instance, can be considered as an horror, "Profondo Rosso" is more on the giallo genre....
RSHabroptilus: Argento's fame is almost as confusing as Fucli's. While Fulci was an absolutely dreadful director whose fame is almost entirely due to his gore, Argento's directing wasn't (and isn't) much to look at, either.
Apart from your personal taste, Dario Argento is with no doubt a master of horror (and giallo) genre.
ElPixelIlustre: I didn't say old one isn't a good movie, it is. I said that the remake is also pretty good. Also I don't know why it sounds like I don't watch old movies...
The fucking zombies don't run, end of the story XD
Seriously speaking, it would be a good movie if the majors didn't pretend to call it a "remake" of something that is UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, in the Seventies....