tinyE: BTW "evilnancyreagan" is redundant. It would be like saying "a bad Pauly Shore movie".
evilnancyreagan: Oh pish-posh! Nancy Reagan is a notorious cupcake! Santa-T officially designated her
'nice' not
"some naughty, jive turkey" besides,
nancyreaganwiththegoatee is too much of a mouthful :O
The image..it BURNS, Precious. *dives for the brain bleach*
Anyway ~ Looks like I bought Myst V first on deep discount, after being told about it. My disk copy was cranky anyway and my Mom liked the idea of being able to play whenever she wanted, as she had never finished it. She still hasn't finished it. Its still waiting for her, in fact. I replayed it until I got stuck with what seems to be a glitch. I thought I had finished it a long time ago, not sure I did anymore. I know I never saw all the speeches because several walkthrough mentioned speeches that just didn't cue up when I was there. Oddness. Realized later that the missing videos had left me with a different idea of who was nice and who wasn't. lol
Anyway, the next purchase (for myself) was TellTale's Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures, Back to the Future, and Sam & Max Season 3. I'm guessing that was a Telltale Promotion. Much gaming goodness ensued ^.^