dirtyharry50: Well, out of curiosity I went looking for a little feedback on the oldie, Corsairs and found this:
"Corsairs' unusual backdrop gave it the potential to follow in the footsteps of Sid Meier's strategy classic Pirates!. Unfortunately, its cumbersome interface and lackluster presentation drag it straight down to Davy Jones' locker."
Here is the full review for anyone interested:
I don't come here for indies myself so I couldn't be bothered investigating the other two titles, neither of which would interest me personally in any case.
All is not lost however. I look forward to the release of Wing Commander Prophecy and other games of similar quality in the future. Those will be good days. It just seems that they come to us less frequently now than they used to. This reminds me of when I used to make trips to the local stores to check the jewel case specials in the bargain bins. Once in a while you'd score some sweet finds but many times you'd come home empty handed.
I just went and read that and thought "Oh no" but everyone here who has played it seems to love it and the customer reviews on Amazon are all pretty good minus the one guy who gave it one star because he couldn't get it to run on his OS.