anjohl: I can state quite unecquivocably that that very assumption would be a *very* dangerous mistake. I have rarely met anyone that can hold court with me on *any* relevant issue which requires philosophical, logical, or analytical ability to debate. Though I despise the false prophet of humility, I am not bragging here, I am expositing. As I said to Banana, it's a grave error to draw a conclusion or trust an impression when the quantity (and quality) of information you possess is scant.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: Yes, I agree, you're
so well informed that you even know how to spell the names of people that you're putting down correctly!
It's bansama, not banana, unless there's someone named Banana on the forum that I haven't seen yet.
The last test I did, Mensa didn't have a spelling or typo section. Maybe you wrote an outdated test? Or perhaps you are talking out of your ass?
anjohl: I can state quite unecquivocably that that very assumption would be a *very* dangerous mistake. I have rarely met anyone that can hold court with me on *any* relevant issue which requires philosophical, logical, or analytical ability to debate. Though I despise the false prophet of humility, I am not bragging here, I am expositing. As I said to Banana, it's a grave error to draw a conclusion or trust an impression when the quantity (and quality) of information you possess is scant.
PhoenixWright: In other words, you hold the opinion that rarely will anyone hold court with you on *any* relevant issue which requires philosophical, logical, or analytical ability to debate. That's an opinion that any logical person would have kept to themselves as a formality of proper debate. Clearly you need more experience in order to learn how to conduct yourself in a respectable manner.
You must have missed the part where I stated that humility is not a virtue. If you operate under the social contract-inspired belief that humility *IS* a virtue, your comment makes sense. But under the existing parameters it sounds like a circular argument, which is what it is.
anjohl: I can state quite unecquivocably that that very assumption would be a *very* dangerous mistake. I have rarely met anyone that can hold court with me on *any* relevant issue which requires philosophical, logical, or analytical ability to debate. Though I despise the false prophet of humility, I am not bragging here, I am expositing. As I said to Banana, it's a grave error to draw a conclusion or trust an impression when the quantity (and quality) of information you possess is scant.
CaptainGyro: Ugh. I'm sorry, but you really sound full of yourself
Again, humility is not a virtue. If one posesses a talent for something, they do themsevles and everyone around them a disserviceby exhibiting outdated and obsolete humility. It made sense under feudalism or in a theocracy, but this epoch of history has no place for humility.