FlintlockJazz: As opposed to the 90% it is now? ;)
carnival73: I haven't noticed as much porn as I used to...or at least it is in control now.
Used to be you could search for something like the title of a children's book and you'd get about eight pop-ups of wibbling wobbling dicks and boobs.
I think it's still there, it's just better controlled with popup blockers and better net security. At least, that's the impression I get, if you search google images for things like 'elf warrior' you'll still get a few, ahem, dodgy pics. But yeah, now you mention it I have noticed a decrease in accidental porn, used to be you had to be careful when clicking on links when doing google searches for fear of giant penises, now you're more likely to get a virus, and not the fun kind...