crazy_dave: I think the best would be to have both in the digital marketplace: stores which sell DRM-free games with no right to resale or account-based DRM stores with full right to resale - and the resale for digital goods could be done by selling back to the store a la GMG but even better peer-to-peer resale could be huge for consumers and companies if implemented right.
They would never do a GOG style DRM free download on a mass market device with brand new $60 games on it. Never. You and I can say how silly that is, that all it takes is a trip to any popular torrent site and blah blah blah, but they just will never do it. "Oh my god people could just put it on a USB stick and give it to all their friends!" The fear is there, and it's made more real and more threatening when we're talking about mainstream devices relying on teens and college kids to an absurd degree.
I think if Gamestop did not exist and have the power it has both companies would have gone with a simple Steam-like system, which consumers have shown they accept. They couldn't though, and what they tried instead brought down the fires of Olympus, so now I would guess they will push the digital offerings as best they can, with sales, unique features and hopefully an offline mode, and try to get consumers to switch naturally. Which honestly is the way to do it, and Microsoft has hopefully learned that.
I think MS were used to using their power to force change on consumers, but overstepped here.