GameRager: I so wanna troll Wow now with this shit.....make an account called Jewnosian(after Spaceballs the movie) and go around begging for gold/money to buy a true wow account.
KavazovAngel: 10 gold aren't going to be really helpful. :D
Not removed, but overhauled. Improved, more interesting quest lines, better drops, more life in the zones (especially in the dead Desolace which now has green trees, rivers...).
I'll beg for IRL'll be epic. Or I can make an afro monk and say the pool's closed to trial players. ;)
As for removed/etc I meant when I play MMos I hate when they majorly change things in areas to where they remove quests/NPCs/etc.....I feel if I join later on i'm missing out on content that might've been retconned or removed from play...etc. Sounds like all they did was add more drops/quests/etc and spruced up the scenery.
I wonder if they cleaned up the roleplay smut town?