anjohl: And to those who claim that once we can map out the electronic surges that supposedly enable consciousness and thought, that we can make androids that are conscious and self-aware, I say that you are not giving evolution enough credit.
Wishbone: There is more than one way of designing. If true AI is ever to be realized, I think we'll do it the same way nature did it, by evolution.
Lionel212008: Perhaps, what are human beings other than tastefully wrapped layers of skin?...if organic body parts are replaced by bionic equivalents in the future, do we cease to be human?.....would you consider a decomposing pile of organic tissue human?
That is one of the question that arises in "Ghost in the Shell".
Nice_Boat: Speaking seriously, a future where dating androids is a common thing is, thinking more deeper on it, like a really dark era for the humanity. We spent timeless hours, weeks, months, some years, finding our perfect partner. In this path some people get better socially to meet some standards society asks for (a bad way in my opinion, but that's not the matter right now), some others just try harder or wait to get the person they want being themselves... and other people just get rejected over and over again and develop hate against the world.
Not my case. I have a girlfriend.
Seriously. Her name is... Erhm... Edith Postlater.
And she's fucking amazing. I love her.
Shut up, shut the fuck up voices.
Erhm... what I was talking about... oh yeah...
We all have been rejected once time in our life, except Duke Nukem, and as Nietzsche said (thanks to Arcanum now I can address this phrase), what doesn't kill us make us stronger. But... what would happen in a world where, if you are rejected, you could just get off with an android? you could gave your back to the rest of the world and just live in a false ilusion of love with a machine?
Love, cute moments? Whenever I want.
Support? Whenever I want.
Sex? Whenever I want.
Who cares about those problematic men/women?
Who cares about humans at all?
I'll get an easy life with an android that won't fuck me over while choosing which film to see at the cinema.
It seems like a great idea for a futuristic dystopia, but not as a great one, I imagine all the people being recluded in a fantasy world in their mind, being all alone by themselves sorrounded by human-like machines.
Well this enters in the "philosophy" area, but "love" could be an illusion, doesn´t matter if it´s a machine, human, animal, or space amoeba. Love could be just an illusion created by your chemical reactions that assess a person and triggers a state of mind :P