BrianX: So why not 'pander' to the a good majority of your adult audience that do have kids (...)
Vestin: Because CDP RED guys don't "pander", they make games.
BrianX: (...)I mean, isn't the idea of options behind games these days?
Vestin: No.
BrianX: If a game designer can add a bajillion options for graphics settings, surely they can add an option in the game to remove the more 'Adult' crap.
Vestin: Ingame content is not a renderable layer that can be turned on/off or adjusted with a slider.
BrianX: (...) I hope that you can one day grasp (...)
Vestin: I think the hope is mutual.
BrianX: (...) what goes for Adult these days is sensationalist crap that is lazily added on for sales.
Vestin: And here we were, complaining how developers are afraid to include mature themes in games, in fear of getting too high ratings and dealing with regional censorship... not to mention the tendency to target a larger audience.
The scales have truly fallen from my eyes -_-".
BrianX: If you REALLY like the Witcher's adult content so much (profanity and tasteless sex scenes and misogyny), why don't you download the awesomely adult Leisure Suit Larry
Vestin: There's nothing quite like insulting classic adventure games. Of course - your ad personam doesn't end there...
BrianX: Or, better yet, download the Playboy Mansion game and get yo freak on!
Vestin: That's more like it. Crude, extreme and personal...
BrianX: I repent that I ever implied that Lehti was a porno-freak (sorry, 'twas just teasing), that description fits you to a 'T.'
Vestin: And this sentence (as well as the general tone and the whole reason for this thread) nicely shows what kind of a twist you're trying to put here. OBVIOUSLY "porn" is something so despicable that it's an enormous insult to imply someone has interest in it and as such we can easily put "freak" next to it.
BBL. Ironically - there's a seminar on cultural differences I have to attend...
Yes. Options are something that game designers are being more pressed to incorporate into their games these days, just read any article in Gamasutra and you are sure to find many discussions revolving around that issue. Please don't limit CDProjekt, I am sure they are very capable of creating more options for gamers.
I agree with you that doing voice-overs and trying to create a slider for that is near impossible, but surely within the age of the Internets there is some programmer genius out there who can design such a thing. I mean, there are many MODs in other games that tack on features and options a few days after the main game comes out. I suppose I need to look to the Modding community to realize the perfect game :) (power to the peeps!)
Yes, I am glad that you are being educated on cultural differences, and I hope that one day I will realize that ALL cultures embrace pornography and explicit language equally. I AM SUCH A FOOL! I need to appreciate and consume porn and explicit language rather than avoid it, I am so blind!
Oh, I didn't insult the Leisure Suit Larry originals that were made in the 80s and early 90s by Sierra, they are, as you said, classics and I have played most of them when they came out, but I was referring to the most recent one that got horrible reviews (I was joking when I said 'rave reviews' just in case you didn't get that). I should have been more specific, but I think most older gamers here knew what I was talking about.
Also, I only use my limited reserves of sarcastic wit for those who deserve it :)
Aningan: If Planescape:Torment was done today it would have T&A. Just saying. ;)
You are probably correct.
HOWEVER, do you think it would have been done tastefully or over the top?
In my opinion, in the wrong developer's hands, it would probably be over the top (see Dragon Age 2!). I should probably go back to choose your own adventure books or Zork lol. Nah, I still think there is great room for AWESOME adult content games, I think Red Dead Redemption is a GREAT example.
macuahuitlgog: Dear developer,
Lol. Are these actual subtitles buried for later animal pr0n scenes in the game!?!?
BrianX: Thats a good idea actually, thanks. But I had the subtitles on even with the English voiceovers and they still showed profanity. Maybe I should learn Polish just for the quests lol.
macuahuitlgog: Why don't you just create BrianX's no sex, no titties, no cursing mod for the game? It is probably easier than learning a new language.
Between all copious pornography DVDs I watch, I just have no time whatsoever.