Zurvan7: lol good one xD
Here is the
list of the changes
Thanks, guess that's good enough for me.
And yep, when I see those "Director's Cut", "Developer's Cut" and other "cuts" I'm all like "Come on guys, haven't you made enough money off this? Stop adding minor stuff and start working on a sequel already."
grviper: Some people care enough to pay 10 RUB for those. They pay on the market, I buy stuff... eventually... something cheap... because you can't get much this way. Too bad, there's nothing fun to buy this season.
I wonder, how many don't realise, the Snow Globes expire.
Yeah, read that part of the announcement as well. Perhaps people who buy those cards are playing some of those games and hope to get the items before the event ends.
wrathsinger: Huh? Does someone really care about these cards? The only thing you get from crafting a badge is an in-game item in some MMOs, no? Don't think it's worth the trouble.
Pheace: Depends if you get lucky :)
some items are €20+ , €60+, €80+
Not to me, no. I don't play any of those games. On the other hand, if the items are tradeable... nah, still not worth the trouble. :-)