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Zurvan7: Then why does this game has suck good reviews everywhere?
real.geizterfahr: I... uhm... I think you should... No, forget about it. everything's sucking fine ;)

ps. Nominated for the TotMA (Typo of the Month Award)
haha you bastard xD
innerring: Oops, Ubi does it again. Splinter Cell Pack aka Elite Echelon Edition is not discounted further... Of course on Uplay every game is at 75%off. And only the first SC is on GOG.
Fallout 3 GOTY 2.50€ on ubishop. Too bad the game doesn't seem to function properly on win7. Does anyone know what the problem is ?
Post edited December 23, 2013 by Zurvan7
innerring: Oops, Ubi does it again. Splinter Cell Pack aka Elite Echelon Edition is not discounted further... Of course on Uplay every game is at 75%off. And only the first SC is on GOG.
Zurvan7: Fallout 3 GOTY 2.50€ on ubishop. Too bad the game doesn't seem to function properly on win7. Does anyone know what the problem is ?
I meant every SC sold on Uplay.

re Fallout 3:
Post edited December 23, 2013 by innerring
Zurvan7: lol good one xD

Here is the list of the changes
Thanks, guess that's good enough for me.
And yep, when I see those "Director's Cut", "Developer's Cut" and other "cuts" I'm all like "Come on guys, haven't you made enough money off this? Stop adding minor stuff and start working on a sequel already."
grviper: Some people care enough to pay 10 RUB for those. They pay on the market, I buy stuff... eventually... something cheap... because you can't get much this way. Too bad, there's nothing fun to buy this season.

I wonder, how many don't realise, the Snow Globes expire.
Yeah, read that part of the announcement as well. Perhaps people who buy those cards are playing some of those games and hope to get the items before the event ends.
wrathsinger: Huh? Does someone really care about these cards? The only thing you get from crafting a badge is an in-game item in some MMOs, no? Don't think it's worth the trouble.
Pheace: Depends if you get lucky :)

some items are €20+ , €60+, €80+
Not to me, no. I don't play any of those games. On the other hand, if the items are tradeable... nah, still not worth the trouble. :-)
Zurvan7: lol good one xD

Here is the list of the changes
wrathsinger: Thanks, guess that's good enough for me.
And yep, when I see those "Director's Cut", "Developer's Cut" and other "cuts" I'm all like "Come on guys, haven't you made enough money off this? Stop adding minor stuff and start working on a sequel already."
Sad but true. You know the game has sold more than 2.5 million copies and it wasn't considered 'successful' by Square Enix. (hell Tom Raider 2013 sold more than 4 million copies and yet SE wasn't satisfied). The gaming industry has changed now. Back then it was all about innovation, fun and having a good time. Now it's all about milking a series, DLC's, microtransactions, Season Pass and what not. All these DLC's used to be free, we had a thing called expansion packs: totally new campaign, maps, weapons, story. We just have to accept that gaming has become a business and publishers are earning billions of dollars with it.

On topic: Oulast and The Dark Eye are on flash sales.
Zurvan7: You know the game has sold more than 2.5 million copies and it wasn't considered 'successful' by Square Enix. (hell Tom Raider 2013 sold more than 4 million copies and yet SE wasn't satisfied).
Well... The problem with those numbers is, that gaming is ridiculously cheap nowadays. Gamers always said "Make the games cheaper and you'll make more money, because more people will buy your games." They made the games cheaper. Wait 3 months and you'll save two thirds of the initial price. And the result?

The result is that a lot of people are waiting for "a decent sale". But the sales figures didn't went up THAT much. Have a closer look at Tomb Raider. The gameplay isn't that brilliant, but you can see that it is a high quality game with a not so small budget. I bought it in the summer sale for 15 Euro (Or was it even a bit less?). A 4 months old AAA game. Now you can get it for 10 Euro. It's 9 months old. What are 4 million sales, when they're giving away the game for almost nothing? And don't mention Deus Ex again. I don't even remember what I paid for the 1 year old Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I think it was around 5 Euro. And are gamers happy with that? No, they're still complaining. Instead of "Great, I got a new game for almost nothing", you'll get a "Greedy Publishers! This DLC should have been in the base game" or "They're trying to rip us off" -.-

Well... I have to admit that the Cirector's Cut is a bad exemple. The boss fights were broken for players who focused on stealth, so they should have patched this. And integrating a DLC in the main game... Well, most games do this already, when I buy the DLC. So... Yeah, selling the Director's Cut is... ... not nice.
Zurvan7: Sad but true. You know the game has sold more than 2.5 million copies and it wasn't considered 'successful' by Square Enix. (hell Tom Raider 2013 sold more than 4 million copies and yet SE wasn't satisfied). The gaming industry has changed now.
Eidos Interactive itself is quite successful. The reason Square Enix isn't satisfied is their Japanese business is constantly losing money over the Final Fantasy franchise and the other Japanese game brands.
innerring: Eidos Interactive itself is quite successful. The reason Square Enix isn't satisfied is their Japanese business is constantly losing money over the Final Fantasy franchise and the other Japanese game brands.
Hardly. What you say there is so far gone from reality it's not even comical.

Final Fantasy is still a constant major money spinner even today. Final Fantasy XIII, XIII-2 and XIV (both the original and A Realm Reborn) have all done extremely well. Squeenix is still making tons of money off FF11 to this day.

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix performed pretty solidly as well.

If there are two chinks in Square Enix Japan's armour, it's their increased focus on mobile gaming, which hasn't panned out the way they hoped - the Android/iOS releases of Chaos Rings, the classic Final Fantasy games and Chrono Trigger sold VERY badly - not to mention that SE Japan has simply released very little in the way of new games in general in the past couple of years.

Whether you like FF11, 13 and 14 is immaterial. I don't like 11 and 14 either, and I do find 13 too linear. But it doesn't change the fact that these games sell by the millions and that they are SE's chief earner.
Post edited December 24, 2013 by jamyskis
Zurvan7: Sad but true. You know the game has sold more than 2.5 million copies and it wasn't considered 'successful' by Square Enix. (hell Tom Raider 2013 sold more than 4 million copies and yet SE wasn't satisfied). The gaming industry has changed now.
innerring: Eidos Interactive itself is quite successful. The reason Square Enix isn't satisfied is their Japanese business is constantly losing money over the Final Fantasy franchise and the other Japanese game brands.
But is FF not owned by SE? Or are you saying that they want to be successful in more regions and with other titles?
I think SE is the largest Japanese publisher besides konami and campcom. And without MGS konami has nothing successful right now to be honest.
Post edited December 24, 2013 by Zurvan7
jamyskis: and XIV (both the original and A Realm Reborn) have all done extremely well.
The "please, don't leave our game, here's one more free month for everyone" original FFXIV?
Also, didn't XIII-2 sell only half as many units as XIII?
jamyskis: and XIV (both the original and A Realm Reborn) have all done extremely well.
grviper: The "please, don't leave our game, here's one more free month for everyone" original FFXIV?
Also, didn't XIII-2 sell only half as many units as XIII?
True but the problem is FF will sell no matter what. FF sale figures are not what they used to be. Half of the people who still play FF are old school gamers who grew up with FF4 or wannabe Japanese fanboys. I don't want to offend anyone because I myself love FF games but to be honest the characters and the overall story is not good. FF4 has old graphics but it's one the best story in a video game and it has A LOT of characters. In FF13 you payed with more character, then in 13-2 with 2 and in Lightning Returns you play as one lol. SE is focusing on graphics and less on the gameplay/story. And tbh I LOVED 13 even though everyone hated it.

Too bad they don't bring any FF game on the pc. And the new FF on the newt gen consoles got fanboys hyped :p
Pheace: If you have cards, didn't you already buy a game at a price you considered reasonable?

Also, don't forget the people who made the game get money from the market as well.
Sure, at times they DO earn their money, and at those times I'm happy to throw it their way. My point still stands though. However, if developers also benefit from the trades (do they?), then maybe I should reconsider the whole thing and put those suckers on the market... whenever I care enough to spend my time on that rather than games :-P.

Zurvan7: Half of the people who still play FF are old school gamers who grew up with FF4 or wannabe Japanese fanboys.
No offense, but whoever played the old school FFs and yet still plays anything newer than FFXI should really raise the bar on his/her expectations.
Post edited December 24, 2013 by Chandoraa
I actually enjoyed FF 12 and 13 more than I enjoyed 7 or 8, so I suppose I should raise the bar on my expectations. That being said, they clearly weren't on the same level as 4, 6, or Tactics.

True, but I'm in general not a picky gamer. Most kids these days get epic graphics, epic story, nice multiplayer and yet they complain about stupid stuff. Back then if I saw cut scenes like FF13 then I would have jizzed my pants. (pardon my French). The stories in FF4, 6, 8, X are nothing compared to the story in the newest titles. FF13 had some good characters but 13-2 was just pleasing fanboys who wanted more exploration. They took everything good about the previous titles.

Boy are we getting out of topic here =p
Chandoraa: Sure, at times they DO earn their money, and at those times I'm happy to throw it their way. My point still stands though. However, if developers also benefit from the trades (do they?), then maybe I should reconsider the whole thing and put those suckers on the market... whenever I care enough to spend my time on that rather than games :-P.
Of the 15% market fee, 10% goes to the publisher/devs of the game the items are from, 5% is Valve market fee. You can see it in the summary when you try to buy something.
Post edited December 24, 2013 by Pheace
For those interested, Red Alert 3 is on Steam flash deals :)
