mushy101: Oooh, time to buy Batman Arham city for a fiver. Just in time as well, since GFWL and the other DRM have been stripped out. I'm perfectly fine living with Steam DRM at this price.
Also FC3 for a fiver is a definite steal.
Either Arkham City or Arkham Asylum (I can't remember which one) you can disable the Steam DRM also by passing the executable the option -nosteam or --nosteam or -no-steam or /nosteam or something like that. A quick google of "batman arkham nosteam" probably will find it for anyone interested.
StingingVelvet: What does being or not being a Steam fan or modern games have to do with anything?
I'm just saying I don't get why people want them.
Collector mentality is part of it. Steam rolled this out because it is all a part of the psychology of addiction and marketing. It isn't necessarily all a bad thing if someone enjoys it or perceives benefit from it of course, but all of that stuff is totally lost on me. I've got a bunch of trading cards and other crap in my Steam account that will more or less sit there and rot. I couldn't be bothered to bring the page up let alone trade or sell the things. Putting an hourly price on my spare time, even if I sold them at twice the going rate my life would only be shorter for the time spent. ;o) That's not to say that I don't collect anything myself, but I'm kind of indifferent towards such things for the most part, and totally don't care about it for games.
I use Steam and I'm ok with it, it has its pros and cons but it works. I also play modern games. Just don't care about trading cards, achievements and all that stuff, I just want to play the actual game. If they want to give me an "achievement" how about if it's something like "Did your laundry instead of playing games." or "Washed the dishes finally." or something that would be useful to me. :)