Fenixp: Here you go. Yep, the patch solves the black borders issue, if you use the right resolution for your screen of course.
Thanks. So the "black borders" issue is business as usual with Outcast, that can be fixed only with the unofficial hires patch?
I don't recall if I had the same black borders back when I played the CD version a long time ago. Maybe I just didn't care about them.
Outcast: runs fine in Win8 for me. The game does not run in 4:3 full screen, but this issue is both in Win7 and Win8. The game originally uses so oddball resolutions like 400x300 and 512x384 that maybe this was to be expected. I'm going to try the 3rd party hires patch to get the game run full screen.
Star Wolves: runs fine in Win8, I didn't see any issues. So to OP, your problems with this are probably related to something else than the Windows version, e.g. graphics card drivers or something.
Haegemonia Gold: lo and behold, this does indeed crash on me in Windows 8 after the intro videos. In Windows 7 (on the same PC) it seems to run fine. I didn't test different compatibility settings too much (at least admin level or Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode didn't help), but I'd be ready to mark this currently as "does not work in Windows 8", unless someone is able to run it somehow.
Then again, could it be related to all those Visual C++ 2003 DirectX runtime blaablaablaa things? Ie. could it be that my Win8 installation is missing one of those (and the fix would obviously be to install it), while my Win7 installation has it?