kavazovangel: It is a desktop OS, tablet OS, and very soon, it will be an OS for smartphones.
cjrgreen: Oh, like Windows CE was supposed to be? That was like using a tree trunk for a pool cue.
So far, it is a desktop OS that makes enough of a pretense of being something else to confuse customers and drive superior competitors from the market.
I doubt it will ever be anything else.
Completely agree.
I will check it out, only to see if there are any big curves I need to consider when I end up supporting this beast, but I don't expect much.
When I did the same with Win7, I saw a polished Vista in regards to compatibility, but otherwise should have been an olive branch to the consumer that purchased Vista by being a well intentioned service pack and not an overpriced standalone os.
The same internal logic failures that I first wrestled with in Vista, are still in Win7, particularly in the networking and media player areas. Simple things that should never be able to happen, do, such as being connected to the wan, and having 2 different Windows os utilities report that you both are and aren't at the same time or with command line utilities having no problem identifying a dhcp server, but the os filling up useless logs saying none exists when clearly the ipv4 internal addr exists as a 192 on the same subnet and gateway serving in the role.
The famous 'stuck in public profile' haunts 7 as it did in Vista (and server 2008), and that damned 'certutil -urlcache * delete' command still being needed to get rid of overzealous log filling that M$ says to just ignore. It seems to get sloppier and sloppier as time goes by, with services left running after needed, garbage files left behind, and an overall lack of respect for tight code, housekeeping, and ultimately the resources that the consumer pays to have. Dumb share organization and lack of differentiation is another thing you'd best address yourself, as their window dressing offerings aren't too wonderful.
Not trying to knock them, just seems like they take 2 steps in the wrong direction, for every one they take in the right direction, and I'm tired of playing hide and go seek in the damned registry just to avoid their great productivity wasting suggestion of reloading the os and all programs every time the os decides to become schizophrenic. In the dos days, no problem as everything was manageable without an act of congress (also seldom if ever needed) but these damned albatrosses are like raising Ramses from his grave.
Oh well, that's business, and hope it works out for those who go with it. I'm expecting another 'Madison avenue beauty,' all looks and no substance.