SimonG: Simple. Windows 8 pretty much is Windows 7 with a lot of added features and better performance.
oldschool: Fair enough, Honestly, I haven't actually tried it. I guess the new interface has me a bit intimidated, I don't know why. I feel like Frankenstein (fire bad, rawr).
Just be aware that the much-vaunted "better performance" doesn't really mean better gaming performance. In that it is pretty much identical to Win7. So don't expect to see any sudden hike in fps rates in your games by switching from Win7 to Win8, if that's what you are hoping. :) But then, the gaming performance doesn't appear to be worse either.
Just clearing out the bullshit marketing talk, that's all. Like someone first claiming that no one has ever seen any backwards compatibility problems whatsoever with Win8, then a few messages later the same person has to admit that there are some after all. Uh oh.