brento: I saw some pictures comparing the 360 and Wii U versions Epic Mickey 2. The Wii U version actually manages to look worse than its counterpart.
doady: Back in the PS2 days, it usually had the best-looking and most stable versions of multiplatform games. Does that mean the PS2 is more powerful than the Xbox and Gamecube?
Not really. I have all the 3 consoles from the previous generation and the PS2 versions were always the worst when it came to graphics. Both the GC and the Xbox were quite a bit more powerful than the PS2, which isn't that much of a surprise, since the PS2 was the first one to be released (after the DC, of course). In my opinion the GC and the Xbox came up pretty close graphically, but the difference to the PS2 was noticeable.
Anyway, no console can have it's power properly "measured" by launch games. Every initial wave of games suck when it comes to using the console efficiently. Heck, Xbox 360's first games looked like Xbox games. Just compare Halo 4 and Perfect Dark Zero, for example, they don't even look like games from the same generation. The same goes for the PS3, which had terrible looking games at release, especially multiplatform titles. The complexity of the Cell CPU made developers struggle with it for years. Fuck, the first Resistance looked like a HD PS2 game (seriously, the textures on that game look terrible), it actually looked worse than Perfect Dark Zero, which was also a launch title. Uncharted was the game that started to show what the PS3 was capable of, for the Xbox 360 it was Gears of War. Actually i think that Gears of War was the game that started the next-gen on consoles. It looked far better than anything available at that time and set a new standard for both graphics and third person shooters.