kalirion: That's exactly what I was talking about - use the drivers to scale, and the the monitor will only see the 1680x1050 signal. And it should
not be an especially complicated process.
Do you have an NVIDIA card? If so, something is wrong, because that's exactly what the "fixed aspect ration scaling" option in the NVIDIA control panel is
supposed to do! It should scale the 1024x768 image to 1680x1050 and send
that to the monitor. Can you post a screenshot of the driver settings you're using?
cogadh: You don't seem to be understanding, so I guess I'll have to explain it in detail.
My monitor, regardless of the video card make or model or resolution settings, is capable of doing its own scaling. That function cannot be turned off. It does not matter what resolution the desktop or game is set at, the monitor will always scale it up to 1680X1050.
Gah, it's the Kids in The Hall Citizen Kane sketch all over again! Seriosudly Codagh, people keep trying to help you and you keep reiterating that everyone's ideas are no good because YOU think you know what you know and no one can be right with a differing idea because YOU "KNOW SO" about your system. Just give everyone the information they want and allow them to help you if they can, and at least pretend to consider their ideas if they sound even somewhat plausible.......GAHHHHH! :\
pops117: You're connected through DVI? And am I right in thinking Centered Timings(no scaling) also gets ignored by the LCD?
It's kinda weird to hear to Flat panel scaling would be enforced no matter what, normally the drivers override such a behaviour. Maybe there's something off with the EDID informations? Did the Panel come with a driver? I know that for some special resolutions some EDID tweaking can give very good results and opens up the accepted limits.
I've done it for some higher than native resolutions (I achieved a highest 5k something x res on a 1680x1050 native LCD although it would only work with a reduced frequency), you don't need AA anymore :P
5k resolutions? I call bullshit mang......I mean maybe it'd work but wouldn't the image be shit in some way(tiny/etc) as a result?
Also what frequency was that 5k mythical res running at?