Tulivu: Hey! As a Christian conservative, I take offense... Oh, wait a tic.
Even I agree with you!
This is what is so frustrating. The only conservatives that seem to have a problem with gays are Elitists. The greater constituancy disagrees or doesn't care.
Yep, basically, you have a politician belonging to some minority group insert himself into the elite debate and suddenly, that issue takes a disproportionate amount of importance.
They then append that issue to the remainder of their platform and then you can't agree with one thing without having to agree with a whole bunch of other things.
In short, the elite decides a lot of thing for us without worrying too much as to whether we agree.
They think that their opinion has greater import then the opinion of the population so they don't want this state of affairs to change.
At best, this is a part time democracy.
This system might have made sense a century and a half ago, but things changed since then and the political arena has not adapted to reflect this new reality.