DRM_free_fan: I think FF7 is the most over-rated in the series. But not for the ending ......
Also some FF fans actually preferred a) playing FF in a sci-fi environment and b) having their playable/party characters (mostly) human. So they loved FF 7 & 8 and then many of them turned down 9 when it came along - simply because 9 was so different in style to the previous 2 releases (even though it was more of a return to the roots of FF 1-6)
Elmofongo: Not me,
medieval enviornment all the way(Though I like Final Fantasy 7) even though you see
sci fi stuff in XII and I criticize that a lot, at least you don't see to often in your face.
I hate Sci Fi settings in Final Fantasy because they look dare I say it, stupid and illogiacal.
Worse is Final Fantasy 13, its to alien and weird for me in a bad way.
Again at least 7 never made me hate the setting.
IMO you and I are in the minority of FF fans. :)
I note with dismay that the last few installments of the FF franchise seem to be steering away from the pseudo-medieval RPG environments. It seems that Square Enix has decided that the sci-fi FFs are more popular. :( (For the purpose of my argument I'm only looking at the "main" FF releases - I'm not counting all the re-releases of old FFs nor any of the FF spin-off series e.g. Crystal Chronicles)
You mentioned there is sci-fi stuff in XII? (I wouldn't know - see a much earlier post for the reason) Without giving away any plot spoilers - I have to know: Do you mean seriously sci-fi? Or just a few steam-punk devices (e.g. air-ships)?
This is slightly off the thread topic but anyway
Sogi-Ya: visuals suffer from late-gen restraints when the developers had the next gen capabilities in mind. Huh? Speaking of console games in general - usually games released near the end of a consoles life usually have the best graphics of any games on that system.
My theory is that this is due to the fact that the first few games released on console X are made by developers who haven't really got a "feel" (for want of a better word) of the limitations of said console.
Whereas games released near the end - the developers have got to know the limitations/flaws of the system and in some cases find a way to work around them.
An example to illustrate my point - take the N64. Compare screenshots of an early game e.g. Super Mario 64 with games released near the end of its lifespan e.g. Banjo-Tooie, Conkers BFD.