Shaolin_sKunk: The people here were pretty cool and had awesome interesting discussions. That was two years ago. It's still okay now but it seems like the average user's age fell with the exit of a lot of long-time members and I feel like this place has suffered for it.
Isn't it natural for all Internet forums out there? Long-time members quitting, new members joining and adding some "new blood"?
I don't think it's possible for a forum to have the same members forever. Some will eventually loose their interest, go back to real life etc. I guess we all should be glad for new members joining (yes, me also being one of them). I've seen too many forums when the "old guard" was so hermetically closed the new members didn't feel welcomed. Result? In the span of a couple of years those forums slowly deteriorated and evetually died away.
I'm not saying this to start an argument, it's just a reflection of mine. The GOG community is one of the rare ones when new members really ARE welcome. I hope it will never change.
As to why I'm here? I like buying games, playing them and also talking about them. It's as simple as that :) Some things I enjoy even more - for example Brian Cox's "Wonders of the Universe". If a new lecture was on the TV right now, I would be out of here in the blink of an eye ;)
EDIT: corrected typos