Posted July 25, 2013

Gods Child
Registered: May 2012
From United Kingdom

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
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Snorts and Barks
Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted July 25, 2013
It's really becoming a problem - surely serial down-reppers should be flagged up at GOG HQ. It's reached the point where I unhide nearly every post as I can't tell what's genuinely crap or just some petty grudge.

Think Different.
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted July 25, 2013
It's not just a case of serial downreppers though. It's people who think that their opinions/thoughts/beliefs are superior to everyone else's and can't fathom why anyone wouldn't think the way they do.

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted July 25, 2013

Apart from that, yeah your point is right on and it frustrates me when I ask why I got hit for something and they respond "Isn't it obvious?" Well no, it's not so obvious. Excuse me for considering the possibility that an opinion you disagree with doesn't automatically make that opinion offensive.

Registered: Oct 2008
From Portugal
Posted July 25, 2013
Saying "i disagree with this" is one thing, saying " i disagree with this therefore the people here suck" seems to me to be siginifcantly different. You sure you want to talk aboput hostility ?
You jumped at the opportunity to throw in the air umbrella "community" accusations of radicalism and generalized suckage based on a reasoning completely devoid of objectivity, or honesty, when it comes to the bullshit relation you tried to establish between steam related content and summary downvotes. I adressed that lack of objectivity and honesty as i always do, bluntly, to the point and without the need to drag masses of silent and/or absent people to back me up.
Last time i checked, just like you, i too have the right to adress that which rubs me the wrong way and this new fad where whenever half a dozen people disagree on some bullshit and go at it this way or that way inevitably leads to the conclusion that "the community here sucks" does rub me the wrong way. Now as I'm not very happy about this development, what do you suggest I do, shut up about it? Or should i perhaps veiledly imply that should i leave at some point it will be your fault ? Again, you sure you want to talk about hostility ?
You want suggestions ? I have just the one. Complain about whatever it is you feel you have to complain about but do try to at least do it with a modicum ammount of objectivity and honesty.
You jumped at the opportunity to throw in the air umbrella "community" accusations of radicalism and generalized suckage based on a reasoning completely devoid of objectivity, or honesty, when it comes to the bullshit relation you tried to establish between steam related content and summary downvotes. I adressed that lack of objectivity and honesty as i always do, bluntly, to the point and without the need to drag masses of silent and/or absent people to back me up.
Last time i checked, just like you, i too have the right to adress that which rubs me the wrong way and this new fad where whenever half a dozen people disagree on some bullshit and go at it this way or that way inevitably leads to the conclusion that "the community here sucks" does rub me the wrong way. Now as I'm not very happy about this development, what do you suggest I do, shut up about it? Or should i perhaps veiledly imply that should i leave at some point it will be your fault ? Again, you sure you want to talk about hostility ?
You want suggestions ? I have just the one. Complain about whatever it is you feel you have to complain about but do try to at least do it with a modicum ammount of objectivity and honesty.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic

Registered: Oct 2008
From Portugal
Posted July 25, 2013
I disagree because to me the community isn't just the two guys now bickering over brands of socks on a more regular basis than what they used to and the downrepping foolery that may or may not ensue, the community is xyem and Ian and all the other guys arounds oozing generosity , it's the people down in the 500+ specifics talking about games, it's Wishbone's wisdom, it's DrIstvaan's niceness, it's 227's helpfulness, it's your game reviews almost always salted with very generous portions of forgivness, and i could go on forever, all of that IS the community.
So basically, i disagree, you say degraded, i say different. Everything that made this community great it's still here inspite the things that are now new and are apparently causing you frustration. This however was to be expected with growth. You'll need to adjust, i guess, because things will never be as they were, communities are dynamic entities, troublesome as that realization may be.
So basically, i disagree, you say degraded, i say different. Everything that made this community great it's still here inspite the things that are now new and are apparently causing you frustration. This however was to be expected with growth. You'll need to adjust, i guess, because things will never be as they were, communities are dynamic entities, troublesome as that realization may be.
Post edited July 25, 2013 by Namur

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted July 25, 2013
I just noticed after all this time the two people having the biggest fight in here are five star and four star. If everyone downrepped every post they made for a month you wouldn't even notice. :D

Ltd. DeepSeeker
Registered: Jul 2011
From Norway
Posted July 25, 2013

Apart from that, yeah your point is right on and it frustrates me when I ask why I got hit for something and they respond "Isn't it obvious?" Well no, it's not so obvious. Excuse me for considering the possibility that an opinion you disagree with doesn't automatically make that opinion offensive.
Of course people have different opinion, but a few attacks the person instead, and/or get offended by virtually nothing. I did however almost downrepped you once (in the royal baby thread), when you said something about "fuch you" and what not. Then I asked myself; "what`s gotten into him. Is he unstable or just fed up and just needed to blow off some steam" (no pun intended :P). It`s better to get it out too early then too late (yelling or shooting at people.)
And what do I know - you could both unstable for all I know. OCD/Tourets/ADHD/Senile/Mad scientist :P
But unless you directly attack someone verbally again and again or anything really hatefully, and mean it - then I would downrepp you. See, now you know where I stand. You can basically joke about almost anything for all I care ;)
But it`s wrong to persecute a person. i.e. follow that person based on one/few threads. UN48:
"This reaffirmed the dignity and worth of all human beings no matter what a person’s race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status. "
Maybe we Europeans are getting fascistically again... or just remaining passive aggressive :P
(Hmm... and I just realized I might often be in the latter category...)

So basically, i disagree, you say degraded, i say different. Everything that made this community great it's still here inspite the things that are now new and are apparently causing you frustration. This however was to be expected with growth. You'll need to adjust, i guess, because things will never be as they were, communities are dynamic entities, troublesome as that realization may be.
There will always be someone that is targeted for some reason, but, the problem doesn`t go away just by scrubbing it under the carpet. But hey, you disagree, fine.
And yes, everything changes. As is should. Move along.

WoW Addict
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted July 25, 2013