Obsidian: Knights of the Old Republic II was the first non-classic Star Wars game. It had a lot of elements that we never had seen before in a Star Wars game. Alpha Protocol had some really interesting mechanics. Project Eternity also sounds interesting.
Red Projekt Red: Freedom!!!
Paradox: They make interesting games, but I have been unable to try out any of them because of Steam. But also, they don't make my kind of games really...
I used to respect
Microsoft: I think I haven't really liked Microsoft since the golden days with Age of Empires, the first Halos, the Madness (midtown, motocross, monster) series and so on. But now they're kicking out games at random, and Age of Empires II HD was a major disappointment with all of its bugs and issues. The original game plays better for me...
BioWare: Well, Dragon Age II was beyond horrible. People say Mass Effect also took a hit, but they're not the company they once were.
Blizzard: They have been sliding down ever since Wrath of the Lich King... Cataclysm was a cool idea but it wasn't really a good game. Starcraft II was boring and didn't really turn me into a fan like Warcraft III did for the Warcraft series. Mist of Pandaria was just meh, Warlords of Draneor is one of the stupidest thing I've ever heard: time travel, with no time travel. Diablo III with all of its online... restrictions. And more recently they've released nonsense like that card game.
Ubisoft They developed a couple of games that I thought were cool ideas like Heroes of Might and Magic, Tom Clancy's and Assassin's Creed... but then they turned out like fifty sequels for all of their series and made this list.
Creative Assembly: Let's face it, every developer has released a bad game and whatever but there is absolutely no excuse for Rome II. Empire Total War was CA's misstep, but Rome II was just broken, bad and busted - even to this date.
Post edited January 13, 2014 by Tpiom