Snickersnack: I haven't purchased a Humble Indie Bundle since they dropped source release from the platform. :(
Seriously, fsck those thieves who
stole Lugaru's assets and undercut Wolfire in Apple's app store.
johnki: To be fair, that wasn't a part of all Humble Bundles, and the stealing didn't occur until after the second HIB, I'm pretty sure.
I'm pretty sure it was just a publicity stunt to REALLY get the HIB out there. What gamer doesn't want to reach $1.75 million to get the source code to Revenge of the Titans?
"When I saw this flurry of positive contributions, it immediately reminded me of its mirror image—the rush to be the first cracker to crack each new DRM scheme... It makes me a little sad to see all this effort expended on games with DRM. Could it work the same way in reverse?" Rosen wrote on the blog. "When Aquaria, Gish, and Penumbra Overture open up, I hope the community will help build them up with the same vigor that crackers tear DRM down."
I would argue that it wasn't a publicity stunt but I'm too busy playing Aquaria on my PSP. ;)
The Lugaru counterfeiting ruckus occurred in Feb 2011. The last significant code release occurred during the Humble Frozen Bundle in April of 2011. I don't think the two are unrelated.