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Snickersnack: I haven't purchased a Humble Indie Bundle since they dropped source release from the platform. :(

Seriously, fsck those thieves who stole Lugaru's assets and undercut Wolfire in Apple's app store.
SimonG: Huh? Explain? I don't see the connection between the pirated Lugaru release and the HiB?
Source code of Lugaru was released in HiB, and then some "company", used it and all the game's assets to release "their" version and make money off of it.


On topic: today's bonus games seem to be: Gratuitous Space Battles, Bit.Trip Runner, Jamestown and Wizorb (they showed up in Steam registry). Most of these are from HiB 4, so most probably many people already have them, but getting to around 2 million doesn't seem impossible.
cich: Source code of Lugaru was released in HiB, and then some "company", used it and all the game's assets to release "their" version and make money off of it.
I see. Thanks. I didn't know that the HiB also released source codes.
CatShannon: In my case, none of the games looked interesting enough for me except for Rochard, which was really the only reason I picked the bundle up. And I'm having a blast with that game. But the rest simply doesn't cut it for me.

I also find it a little odd that they included Torchlight to the bundle when Torchlight II got just released. I wouldn't want to play the first game when its successor that is better in any aspect (in my opinion) just came out at the same time.
I suspect that they included Torchlight because the HiB staff figured that as Torchlight is getting so much attention right now, having it in a bundle would generate more attention for HiB, and the Torchlight people figured that it would drive up Torchlight 2 sales, by exposing more people to their game.

Also Vessel is a top notch game. Same sub-genre as Rochard, but a bit more challenging.
It's very simple. The initial average price of HIB5 was set at $8. The average price of HIB6 started at $5. People are cheap, so they almost always pay the least amount possible, so there you are.
Snickersnack: I haven't purchased a Humble Indie Bundle since they dropped source release from the platform. :(

Seriously, fsck those thieves who stole Lugaru's assets and undercut Wolfire in Apple's app store.
To be fair, that wasn't a part of all Humble Bundles, and the stealing didn't occur until after the second HIB, I'm pretty sure.

I'm pretty sure it was just a publicity stunt to REALLY get the HIB out there. What gamer doesn't want to reach $1.75 million to get the source code to Revenge of the Titans?
Post edited September 25, 2012 by johnki
Well, the extra games have been posted, but all but one are a repeat from previous humble bundles, so we'll see how much that will help.
Extras are a separate key. Nice, because I've got all of them already.
HIB5 was astounding, and they seem to keep coming more frequently... so I'd guess those are two contributing factors.

That said, I try to buy each one out of principle, and incidentally I was craving a native Torchlight client the day before this one dropped, so I snapped it up.

One of the few places consistently pushing out native Linux games, so I'll keep throwing money at them to push that average.
Must say that the extras are disappointing. I was expecting something a little offbeat, but the only thing that is mildly interesting is Wizorb DRM-free, and I've already played it through twice on Steam. Everything else has done the bundle circuit on more than one occasion.

Mind you, good to have Jamestown and Gratuitous Space Battles in the Ubuntu Store now though.
Post edited September 25, 2012 by jamyskis
I have most of these games, though I have been toying with the idea of getting this for DRM-free and Mac versions of the apps (well, just Vessel I guess).

The bonuses didn't really do it for me because I already have most of those at least once if not two times.

So, awesome bundle, just too many reruns.
Snickersnack: I haven't purchased a Humble Indie Bundle since they dropped source release from the platform. :(

Seriously, fsck those thieves who stole Lugaru's assets and undercut Wolfire in Apple's app store.
johnki: To be fair, that wasn't a part of all Humble Bundles, and the stealing didn't occur until after the second HIB, I'm pretty sure.

I'm pretty sure it was just a publicity stunt to REALLY get the HIB out there. What gamer doesn't want to reach $1.75 million to get the source code to Revenge of the Titans?
"When I saw this flurry of positive contributions, it immediately reminded me of its mirror image—the rush to be the first cracker to crack each new DRM scheme... It makes me a little sad to see all this effort expended on games with DRM. Could it work the same way in reverse?" Rosen wrote on the blog. "When Aquaria, Gish, and Penumbra Overture open up, I hope the community will help build them up with the same vigor that crackers tear DRM down."

I would argue that it wasn't a publicity stunt but I'm too busy playing Aquaria on my PSP. ;)

The Lugaru counterfeiting ruckus occurred in Feb 2011. The last significant code release occurred during the Humble Frozen Bundle in April of 2011. I don't think the two are unrelated.
Snickersnack: -snip-
That's the reason? That is much better of a reason than publicity stunt. I commend them a bit more for that now.

In that case, though, it's probably just not realistic to sustain open source releases coinciding with each Humble Bundle. I can't imagine everyone in a Humble Bundle plans to open source their game someday.
KingofGnG: I find game bundles to be useless, morbid and plain dumb: if I want a game, I take that game. No crap or "bonuses" or achievements for me, I just want to get games not the gamification of games purchases....
You turned out to be completely right as always.

Thank you for your time and attention. Let this be a lesson to all of you.
While I too think that HIB6 was more attractive, I'm also quite content with HIB6. I owned only 2 of the games, and this bundle was a good opportunity to get some games that have been on my list for a while, but never found their way into my collection so far (mostly because they either weren't available DRM-free, or had a higher price tag than I was prepared to pay for them).
KingofGnG: I find game bundles to be useless, morbid and plain dumb: if I want a game, I take that game. No crap or "bonuses" or achievements for me, I just want to get games not the gamification of games purchases....
Neobr10: You turned out to be completely right as always.

Thank you for your time and attention. Let this be a lesson to all of you.
He's never going to live this down, is he? :3