Miaghstir: So am I, although we're probably referring to different editions. My knowledge of AD&D comes mainly from the Baldur's Gate games, although they're not entirely accurate at times.
Andy_Panthro: My knowledge is from the games aswell, although I've played through BG1+2, NWN1+2 and bits and pieces of some older games. (BG was 2nd edition perhaps? NWN was 3rd edition, and NWN2 I think may have been 3.5)
Sorcerors were introduced in BG2 (for the games), but are playable using Baldur's Gate Trilogy or a similar mod for the first game (along with all other special classes).
Unfortunately, they changed a few things for NWN, then changed even more for NWN2. I don't mind the new system, but the old one did have it's advantages, as well as being closer to the pen and paper equivalents.
I worry for the future of D&D based games though, P&P based games aren't "cool", too complicated perhaps, would require you to read the manual or some such... imagine such horrors...
BG, BG2, IWD, PS:T = AD&D (= D&D 2E if I'm not gravely mistaken)
IWD2, NWN = D&D 3E
IWD2 = 3.5E
... if my sources and memory are correct.
I just checked in the BG2 datafiles, and there are very few references to wizards, only the "wizard slayer" kit, it seems I remembered wrong about item descriptions as the relevant ones all say "only usable by mages", meaning any arcane magic user (including sorcerers, and I also think bards), but also the class that needs to memorize spells is simply called a "mage".
And yes, from what I've heard 4E became very simplified, partly because it should be easier to implement in computer games.
On the other hand, I'm not that much into D&D, but instead mostly work with a Swedish RPG system called Eon (which has complicated rules for just about everything, I'd say it's a dream for anyone wanting to use a day or two just for creating their character - part of why I'm trying to create a character generator for it).