Posted November 06, 2011
That is what I was something just for fun and not for story so I could fully concentrate on sheer awesomness of skyrim
Thanks for tips...but honestly I have no idea what I will play yet :) guess I will go to sleep soon and let all of these tips be decided by (awesome site btw)
Fuzzyfireball: DOOM. You could finish both DOOM and DOOM II in a day, Final DOOM another day, and DOOM 3 a day or two.
That is assuming you take rare brakes. Ooooh, I only finished one episode of original DOOM so I could try this.
wpegg: OK, serious post on this one then. DON'T! We all know bethesda use their initial sales as beta testers. The game won't 'really' be released until about christmas, when it will be in the steam sale. There's no reason to get a game that should be a keeper and replayer, only to be soured by the first experience. Let the mugs take the pain. Yeah...I guess I could wait until christmas but there is one problem...I am HIGHLY impatient person...I just cant wait for anything :) I will be proud member of betatesters then...
Thanks for tips...but honestly I have no idea what I will play yet :) guess I will go to sleep soon and let all of these tips be decided by (awesome site btw)

That is assuming you take rare brakes.