SCPM: Could be a mistake (kek) on Steam's part. Didn't jefequeso's game The Moon Sliver get a 70% discount within the first week of release unintentionally?
Could be highly possible as steam sales started today......
In comparison with jefequeso's game, they sold much less units than him on the same launch timeframe. On a few days, they got only 9 reviews and their discussion board is not very active. If you want to dig further, you can compare the data of steamcharts between this game and The Moon Sliver. I know the huge price difference between the two "products" but considering they're a team of "professionnals" (no offense to jefequeso) and had the support of Rising Star as a publisher, I can pretty surely say that their game is a big bomb/flop/whatever.... :(
BTW, they have an early access going on, which is more successful so at least they'll have money to pay some bills: