HereForTheBeer: I'm going to stick with my 9-year trend and not buy any new games this month.
Psyringe: Pretty much the same here. Occasionally there are games I buy new, but that's a very rare occasion - I think the last three games I bought new were Civ4, Oblivion, and GalCiv 2.
I don't really understand why people are spending 40$ on games that they could get for a fraction of that price if they just waited a little. But then again, it's probably their money (and eagerness to part with it) that stimulates the development of the games that I later buy for a dollar or two, so I don't see it as a bad thing. ;)
Games are not cheap to make. A modern AAA game has a budget of $30M+, and take anywhere between two to four years of continous effort to create. That investment needs to be re-earned as quickly as possible once a game releases. The longer it takes to break even, the harder it will be for both developer and publisher to draw profit from the income. So yeah, if you like AAA games, you should be glad there are indeed those of us willing to "take one for team" and buy the games we are interested in for full price at launch. The AAA industry would probably not sustain itself if everyone bought games for $30-20 or less. ;)
Unless it is indie, of course. Even (and perhaps especially) then it is important to buy at full price. Those games are already too cheap. In my opinion.