Posted February 27, 2014

Don't Panic
Registered: Nov 2010
From United Kingdom

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted February 27, 2014

It is a bit hard to say because party creation may affect the difficulty quite much. I used lots of times to create a "perfect" party, rerolling umpteen times for each party member until they got very high ability points etc. If I had just taken some of the pre-designed characters instead, I presume it would have been much harder for me.
Party creation definitely has a lot to do with it as well.

The Joe
Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted February 27, 2014
Soldiers: Heroes of WW2

Not Deus Ex
Registered: Dec 2009
From Finland
Posted February 27, 2014
Omerta: City of Gangsters. I dare you to finish the version we have on GOG at the moment...

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From Germany
Posted February 27, 2014
Out of the ones I've played, I'd probably say either Realms of Arkania 1 or 2, those are insane. Part of the reason seems to be that they are apparently made exclusively for people who are already players of the "Dark Eye" pen & paper RPG.
I would also like to mention Shogo - Mobile Armor Division, which I am pretty sure is impossible on the highest difficulty. Not sure if it counts, though, because it is pretty buggy and unbalanced, but I think the fact that almost every enemy can one-hit-kill you with a critical hit (meaning they can basically do the same kind of damage as the player) is the main source of its difficulty. I love every second of that game, though.
I would also like to mention Shogo - Mobile Armor Division, which I am pretty sure is impossible on the highest difficulty. Not sure if it counts, though, because it is pretty buggy and unbalanced, but I think the fact that almost every enemy can one-hit-kill you with a critical hit (meaning they can basically do the same kind of damage as the player) is the main source of its difficulty. I love every second of that game, though.

maskless bandit
Registered: Nov 2013
From Switzerland

Slave of economy
Registered: Dec 2008
From Finland
Posted February 27, 2014
Battle Isle: Incubation is pretty HC.

I iz smurt, DUR!
Registered: Apr 2013
From China, People's Republic of
Posted February 27, 2014
Interesting responses in this thread so far. Surprised so one has said Stargunner yet. I'm not kidding when I say I spent more time looking at the loading screen than actually playing the game. Loading would take like 2 seconds but if I don't make the right move right after it loads, I'm usually dead in less than a second. Save every 3 seconds too. Unless you're a hardcore SHMUPer, I can't see anyone finishing that game without any hardcore save scumming.
I agree with rockyfan4 on Master of Orion. Defiantely a steep learning curve on that game but worth it once you get over it.
Dunno if this counts cos Fallout: Tactics is no longer in the catalog but FO:T on tough guy mode can be hard and nerve wracking. On tough guy mode you can't save during the mission so if you slip up, you either have to accept the loss of your squad member or play the whole mission again. (usually more than a hour). Your always so careful you don'tscrew up and have a squad member on the end of a super mutants M2 Browning (Lost two guys that way). Also lost Malice to a robot's Gauss Gatling gun (and I planned on keeping him till the end game too!!!!) but I was NOT going to spend another 2 hours doing that mission again!!!!!!
Hitman: Codename 47 can also be quite frustrating cos you can't save during missions and generally far too easy to screw up. I'm at the jungle area but I can't progress forward yet. Still screwing up way too much,
I agree with rockyfan4 on Master of Orion. Defiantely a steep learning curve on that game but worth it once you get over it.
Dunno if this counts cos Fallout: Tactics is no longer in the catalog but FO:T on tough guy mode can be hard and nerve wracking. On tough guy mode you can't save during the mission so if you slip up, you either have to accept the loss of your squad member or play the whole mission again. (usually more than a hour). Your always so careful you don'tscrew up and have a squad member on the end of a super mutants M2 Browning (Lost two guys that way). Also lost Malice to a robot's Gauss Gatling gun (and I planned on keeping him till the end game too!!!!) but I was NOT going to spend another 2 hours doing that mission again!!!!!!
Hitman: Codename 47 can also be quite frustrating cos you can't save during missions and generally far too easy to screw up. I'm at the jungle area but I can't progress forward yet. Still screwing up way too much,

Buy Sacrifice!!!
Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany

Queso de Espacio
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted February 27, 2014
This is leading the pack for my vote as well. Perimeter also qualifies, not because of the innate difficulty of the missions (though some are), but because you never know when a mission-goal bug will trash all your hard work on a level.
As for games not on GOG, the perennial choice of Dark Souls gets my vote. Another that is not hard in-and-of-itself, but makes you hate life for the way it handles saves and progress.
As for games not on GOG, the perennial choice of Dark Souls gets my vote. Another that is not hard in-and-of-itself, but makes you hate life for the way it handles saves and progress.

Registered: Apr 2012
From United States

Not Deus Ex
Registered: Dec 2009
From Finland
Posted February 27, 2014
I meant, that the current version is impossible to finish because of a game-breaking bug on a certain mission :) Not sure, which version you have, or if you were lucky somehow and the mission wasn't glitched out for you. But I can't finish it, because the mission has an objective it fails to see it's fulfilled.

Registered: Mar 2009
From Denmark
Posted February 27, 2014
Clearly Gothic II Gold - damn, that game is brutal... FUN but brutal!

Buy Sacrifice!!!
Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany
Posted February 27, 2014

Let´s give a hint: You can do some ugly "machine gun camping" in there...

Queso de Espacio
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted February 27, 2014
Mineralogically speaking, Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition is the hardest game here.