fr33kSh0w2012: The human Eye can not process anything faster then 25 Frames per second FACT! so 30 FPS looks exactly the same as 60 FPS there is no difference unless it is a fast paced First Person Shooter. Elenarie: Yea, fact. Wikipedia. LOL.
There is an easily noticeable difference between 60 and 120. Don't even mention 30, everything looks like crap with it. (best way to test if you have the equipment, make sure you focus on something and you're static, let the objects move at 60 and 120. Keep focused and try to compare, you'll immediately notice that 120 is buttery smooth, while 60 stutters.)
EDIT: While it can be argued whether this is relevant since at first it seems such a small detail, when you spend a long time on 120, and you get your mind-set right, when you go back to 60 you'll immediately see that things are stuttering. Unless you have crap eyes, with which even 15 FPS is too much.
My monitor is stuck at 60 FPS so it doesn't matter what happens! all games only go at 60 FPS for me!