catpower1980: I don't want to start a new thread but I'm really pissed off by the INVASION (yes, that's what it is, they've even put snipers on some roofs) of Obama in Brussels. I remember when Putin came two years ago, he had the decency to stay low-profile and not messing with the daily lives of the local citizens and workers (although, I nearly got run over by his ecort...).
Phc7006: Same feeling. some public transport lines suspended since 8:30 A.M. , in case of, with an arrival around 7:00 P.M.
Snipers, choppers, barbed wire in the streets. 10 millions € spent for that. As if the Shah of the Shas, Emperor supreme, was visiting one of his provinces.
We hate when he invades our cities as well. They shut down streets, flights in the local airport, and the only thing on news is the blowhard with false promises is in town. For the Obama Kiss Asses, this happens with all sitting presidents...wish they would stay out of my city.