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shadowknight2814: Half Life 2 episodes 1 and 2 (only bought HL2 years after it came out when it was really cheap at Circuit City... still regrat buying it to this day)
Actually Half-Life 2 and its episodes are technically DRM-free and basically just use Steam as a downloading service -- apparently Steam doesn't need to be running to start the .exe. :) It may have been different in the original version and changed in an update, I'm not sure.
Long time I resist to buy
But last Summer sale on steam I gave in and bought it. I wish that games like this will ever appears here on GOG.
Everything from Ubisoft and €A and Diablo 3.

I still use Steam, which is a bit of an inconsequence, I know. But I am using Steam for 10 years know and if I would dismiss this one too, there would not be many new games left to play and I would lose a lot of old ones too. In a way, Valve has me by my balls.
Post edited June 26, 2014 by AngryAlien
shadowknight2814: Half Life 2 episodes 1 and 2 (only bought HL2 years after it came out when it was really cheap at Circuit City... still regrat buying it to this day)
Dunno what the state of DRM is on Valve games, but I bought the Valve Super Holy Shit Everything Pack or whatever it is called last December for $20 and it comes with every single Valve game and expansion except Alien Swarm which is F2P on Steam anyway. I actually assumed Valve was using light DRM that wouldn't get in the way or no DRM but I didn't actually look into that so I might have goofed up on that and still not found out. :) I have a feeling if I did though that someone is going to rain on my parade and tell me now. :)
Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm. I have wings of liberty and DRM is very annoying!! makes want to play starcraft broodwar again .
Post edited June 26, 2014 by nicohvc
shadowknight2814: Half Life 2 episodes 1 and 2 (only bought HL2 years after it came out when it was really cheap at Circuit City... still regrat buying it to this day)
skeletonbow: Dunno what the state of DRM is on Valve games, but I bought the Valve Super Holy Shit Everything Pack or whatever it is called last December for $20 and it comes with every single Valve game and expansion except Alien Swarm which is F2P on Steam anyway. I actually assumed Valve was using light DRM that wouldn't get in the way or no DRM but I didn't actually look into that so I might have goofed up on that and still not found out. :) I have a feeling if I did though that someone is going to rain on my parade and tell me now. :)
HL2 + EPs and Portal are "DRM-free" on Steam.

I won't buy anything new (first few months) that uses Uplay. They always seem to have server issues with new games so why pay full price for a game you probable won't get to play. Other that that it doesn't seem to matter. My pc is always online anyway so no biggie.
Daliz: HL2 + EPs and Portal are "DRM-free" on Steam.

That's cool to know. The pack comes with Portal, Portal 2, Left4Dead, Left4Dead 2, Counterstrike <everything>, Team Fortress <everything>, Halflife 1 and all of it's sequels and bretheren, Day of Defeat, Ricochet, the Source engine versions of any of those that had one, and a partridge in a pear tree. Dunno if any of that is DRM free or not though. Haven't encountered any DRM related issues installing or playing any of them to date though thankfully. :)
skeletonbow: That's cool to know. The pack comes with Portal, Portal 2, Left4Dead, Left4Dead 2, Counterstrike <everything>, Team Fortress <everything>, Halflife 1 and all of it's sequels and bretheren, Day of Defeat, Ricochet, the Source engine versions of any of those that had one, and a partridge in a pear tree. Dunno if any of that is DRM free or not though. Haven't encountered any DRM related issues installing or playing any of them to date though thankfully. :)
Well, thankfully Steam's built-in DRM (that's optional and not all games use) is pretty lightweight as far as DRM goes and basically just checks that the game's .exe is being started via a Steam client logged into the correct account (whether online or off). You get into trouble when you start getting into the additional third-party DRM like GFWL, Uplay, and so on that have authorization servers and always-online checks and require that you be connected to their service to save/load single-player games...
Post edited June 26, 2014 by Rakuru
Gmr_Leon: If we're going to be mostly objective about it, of the poor PC supporters in the past few years, I think it's worthwhile to note that EA has in fact moderately improved for the most part. Origin's honestly not that awful, compared to the glitsy, crowded look of UPlay. For comparison: [url=]Uplay.

The Uplay image may be out of date now, but the few times I saw it, it just frustrated me. Someone I know was willing to endure it more than I was, and fortunately for him, it didn't give him any trouble, but ugh. That design's just gross and cluttered to me.
skeletonbow: Personally I find both Origin and Uplay are bloated slow applications that are slow to respond and have terrible user interfaces overall compared to Steam or anything else out there. Fortunately I only use them for games that I got for free, and usually it is just to claim or redeem the games and possibly give them a test run, although I haven't actually sat down and actively played any of them outside of short term trial runs of a given title. My PC is current gen and overpowered too, not some sluggish thing so it surprises me their gaming clients are so slow. (AMD FX8350 8 core, 32GB RAM).

I'll eventually play some of those titles as I am interested in them, but I'll /never/ buy anything from EA or Ubisoft through Origin or Uplay that's for sure, even if it is an amazing game that I can't sleep at night waiting for. I'll live. :)
I can't speak for Uplay, but Origin definitely chugs at times for sure, which confuses me too. The only reason I caved with it was because I noticed some framerate issues on the PS3 version of ME2, and I knew if I wanted to get the entire trilogy on PC, I'd end up with Origin one way or another probably. =/

That's the biggest frustration I have with EA besides their microtransaction/DLC models and the new SimCity being such a joke in terms of "always online" and super small cities. Although I'm aware they've gutted the online requirement, the city size will probably never be addressed, which is unfortunate, because many of the different city views for pollution/crime/electricity/water/etc. are actually really neat to look at.
Ubishit's. I won't buy Ubishit games again, ever.
I'm going to casually glance over at everything on steam since I count the client as a form of DRM.
Anything that I know about that isn't here or on DotEmu after I went digital for my gaming needs.

On the top of my head:

- Blizzards' recent offerings past Warcraft 3 (notably, Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3)
- Bunch of standalone high profile AAA titles I sometimes hear about like Mass Effect (is it a series now?), L.A Noire, Metro, Dragon Age, F.E.A.R, etc
- Any GTA game after Vice City
- Doom 3
- Egosoft titles after X2.
- Final Fantasy 8
- Fallout games after Fallout Tactics
- Braids (EDIT: Nvm, just saw the game is DRM-Free on developpers' website. Should probably look for that more)
Post edited June 26, 2014 by Magnitus
ARMA 3 comes to mind.
If bohemia thinks that I'm going to lock myself in steam, then they are mad. :D
Magnitus: Anything that I know about that isn't here or on DotEmu after I went digital for my gaming needs.

On the top of my head:

- Blizzards' recent offerings past Warcraft 3 (notably, Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3)
- Bunch of standalone high profile AAA titles I sometimes hear about like Mass Effect (is it a series now?), L.A Noire, Metro, Dragon Age, etc
- Any GTA game after Vice City
- Doom 3
- Egosoft titles after X2.
- Final Fantasy 8
- Fallout games after Fallout Tactics
- Braids (seriously, is that one DRM-Free anywhere?)
Braids? You mean Braid? (Nevermind, I see you also saw its DRM free availability, was typing this as you edited your post.) Also, X3 can be acquired DRM free if you pick up a disc copy, it doesn't even require a disc check and some copies' keys are redeemable on Steam if you want a digital backup. (I say some, only because I don't know if this is the case with all, as I picked up X3: Gold Edition retail in hopes for a DRM free copy, which much to my pleasure it was.)

Edit: Also, the first F.E.A.R. game, at the very least, was DRM free but for a disc check (which I believe they later provided a no disc patch for...Or I found one elsewhere, I don't recall) if you picked it up as a physical copy. Chances are you can't easily find it anymore that way, so the point's probably moot, but eh.
Post edited June 26, 2014 by Gmr_Leon