Magnitus: Anything that I know about that isn't here or on DotEmu after I went digital for my gaming needs.
On the top of my head:
- Blizzards' recent offerings past Warcraft 3 (notably, Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3)
- Bunch of standalone high profile AAA titles I sometimes hear about like Mass Effect (is it a series now?), L.A Noire, Metro, Dragon Age, etc
- Any GTA game after Vice City
- Doom 3
- Egosoft titles after X2.
- Final Fantasy 8
- Fallout games after Fallout Tactics
- Braids (seriously, is that one DRM-Free anywhere?)
Braids? You mean
Braid? (Nevermind, I see you also saw its DRM free availability, was typing this as you edited your post.) Also, X3 can be acquired DRM free if you pick up a disc copy, it doesn't even require a disc check and some copies' keys are redeemable on Steam if you want a digital backup. (I say some, only because I don't know if this is the case with all, as I picked up X3: Gold Edition retail in hopes for a DRM free copy, which much to my pleasure it was.)
Edit: Also, the first F.E.A.R. game, at the very least, was DRM free but for a disc check (which I believe they later provided a no disc patch for...Or I found one elsewhere, I don't recall) if you picked it up as a physical copy. Chances are you can't easily find it anymore that way, so the point's probably moot, but eh.