amok: Would it not be a valid argument that just because of games like War Z games should be controlled and not automatically be included?
Fictionvision: If the policy was changed so stuff like The War Z had to be checked first that would be fine. It is their service and they can decide what to sell on it. The problem I see is it seems for small publishers they aren't given consistent status for having to do greenlight or not. If they have games on there already and are willing to take the risk putting money behind a product, they should be allowed on. Be it Bethesda, Wadjet Eye, or whoever. A game getting exposure to possible publishers from having a Greenlight page that want to sell their game shouldn't disqualify them either. If one of the purposes of Greenlight is to get games exposure to a larger audience, publishers willing to pick them up should be included too.
They may still do so, nothing stops them. However, I still fail to see that getting a publisher should be an automatic pass on Steam.Getting a publisher may be good for them in all other regards, marketing and sales and so on. However, it should still be Valves prerogative if they want to let the game in, or what rules they have on letting them in.
Many indies do not want a publisher, they want to stay independent. I have no problem seeing that a game should be judged on its own merit, and not whether the developers have business sense / interest enough to bag a publisher. If I were an indie developer and had a game in Greenlight, I would be miffed by seeing games fast-tracking by "selling out" (yes, it is in quotation marks).