Arkose: Fake entries will never get many votes; only the most obscure games will be beneath them. I'd say this problem is self-correcting.
See, you've just inadvertantly pointed out another reason why it is a problem. With so many obviously stupid/false entires, the obscure games, which could very well turn out to be very good gems for GOG will be lost. People will just dismiss them as false entires and not vote for them.
I mean when you can get an entry such as:
"Really Cool Explosive Game With Sex And Drugs And Aliens And Is A Really Awesome Game That You Must Buy "
You know there's a problem. And thanks to michaelleung for making the problem so obvious >_>.
And seriously, Zeno Clash? It's not even ****ing released yet. How does that have any place on GOG!? Perhaps if we could vote entires down (and after X number of votes, it's placed in a queue for GOG staffers to look over/out right report them to a similar queue, the GOG staffers can look at them, and remove 20 to 30 rep from anyone found to have submitted such an entry.
Sure a lot of people won't care about the rep, but there will be some that do and thus it should work as a deterrent for them.
It would also help if we could report duplicates as then they could have their votes merged.