GameRager: This is another change i'd like to see in an offshoot. Enough purge xenos/aliens for once and let a small group of humans/etc break off form the rest and ally with some aliens. Make some interesting alliances. Every time I see humans allying with xenos they seem to get wiped out & c'mon the imperium is strong and all but they can't win every time against "heretics"
There is a very good reason behind the whole Purge the Xenos idea. See, the Emperor wis the Chaos God of Light, and is hiding out in our universe slowly building up his forces so he can eventually attack the forces of Chaos and destroy them once and for all. The Chaos Gods are powered by worship, thus the Emperor bans all religion and all vices from humanity to make sure humanity doesn't empower Chaos anymore than they already have.
Many, many alien races worship the Chaos Gods, thus the Emperor began the Great Crusade to unite all the lost colonies of humanity and exterminate all alien life. The less worshipers Chaos has, the weaker they would be when the time came to crush them.
Unfortunately, against the Emperor's wishes, people began to worship him. This made him into a little beacon of power in our universe. Chaos noticed this beacon, figured out what was going on, and put plans in motion to destroy their rogue brother.