enterprise2004: The only race I think where Bikes or out of place are Space Marines. They look so silly.
Completely Agree, I took one look and went 'uhhh no.'
KalarMacBran: Don't forget that the Eldar jetbikes are allowed a secondary move to pop back into cover as well after firing during the shooting phase. Makes them even harder to deal with.
And been playing 40k and Fantasy for about 14 years now. My current army is Space Wolves.( My first army actually. Still can't find an army I like better than my space vikings.)
I didn't know that tbh, my friend might, but he's a stubborn bastard. The same friend was going to start with spacewolves, but he realised that you couldn't use black reach to add additional Spacewolves (we were gonna split so I had the orks) so he just went purely for eldar.
Lenriak: Me and the rest of my Dark Angels are heavily armed with bug sprays and fly swatters, COME TRY AND EAT ME MWAHAHAHA!!
I will! and you'd probably explode me into pieces.