JMich: So would a change of " prods buttocks!" be acceptable, since it
1) retains the exact same meaning
" kicks ass" is like " is awesome!!!!1111oneoneone"
" prods buttocks" sounds like " is gay". And I'm pretty sure that is the exact opposite of what the OP intended (as a lot of people regard being gay as a bad thing and use it as a derogatory term[1] -.-)
JMich: 2) gives the humorous tone
So? While I would have found it funny if TET had changed this topic title to what he wanted to, that's because it meant he recognised my intended humour, and was just carrying on the joke. escapist23 was trying to convey a very specific message with his wording which the change destroys.
JMich: and 3) removes the potentially offensive word?
So would changing it to "GOG kicks cats" :)
JMich: It is still an forcible change of the topic title, it would still be one man's decision and not the company's one (which I cannot stress enough is what has happened here), and it still isn't what the original poster wrote.
Ahhh.. I think I see what you are getting at. Perhaps the answer below might help.
JMich: Actually, I am still trying to understand what exactly is your beef here. Is it the changing of a word, the changing of this specific word, the changing of the topic's meaning, or the not-asking before moderating something? In case it is something else entirely, can you please explain it in words that my 6year old niece could understand?
My beef is finalised (but not only with) the lack of fix for the mistake. It stopped being Judas' mistake when it was defended by other GOG staff and not reverted.
When you realise you did something wrong, you try to fix it. You don't just go "Oh well, what's done is done" and walk away.
They didn't just walk away from the Botanicula thing (which they reasonably could have, as it wasn't remotely their fault).
They didn't just walk away from Moto Racer 2 (even though now I can't play the game.. because of the DRM).
So why are they effectively walking away from this by leaving the mistake there? If they change it back, and anyone claims they were "covering up their mistake", I'll be first in line to defend GOG!
[1] I picked up this habit from somewhere(calling something gay if it was crap or bad). Something pointed out what I was actually saying (a blog post, I believe) and I felt like absolute crap. I pay for more attention to what I say now!