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Ultimatum: All this fuss over the changing of the word 'ass' in a thread title!
It goes beyond that, really, which is why this thread is now ten pages.
Ultimatum: All this fuss over the changing of the word 'ass' in a thread title!
DieRuhe: It goes beyond that, really, which is why this thread is now ten pages.
4 pages you puny twenty post per page fool
I have 10 pages here :/
Ultimatum: All this fuss over the changing of the word 'ass' in a thread title!
DieRuhe: It goes beyond that, really, which is why this thread is now ten pages.
Not really, you have a small number of self entitled people that want to make mountains out of molehills. This is why I've felt that the site needs more moderation for quite some time as people get used to the fact that they can get away with things that they probably shouldn't be allowed to get away with.

I think we all remember what happened with that thread of pron from a couple years back. Where it happened when the GOG staff were at home asleep for the night.

That whole cunt thread that was referenced earlier really should have been locked and retitled, but I don't get to post in blue so that's not really my call.
xyem: but the phrase is substantially different. It's not the well recognised and commonly used phrase any more and as I said.. it makes the OP look a certain way (e.g. pompous) against his will.
Can't see anything preventing the OP contacting GOG direct and asking them to change 'gluteus maximus' to 'butt' ?
I really think that we have a sensible community here, if people were to start saying cusswords for the sake of it or things became agressive I would accept this moderation... but as the forum stands I don't think we have crossed any line and I find this kind of moderation asinine and useless.

I do understand there may be kids around here, but a) kids say as many cusswords, if not more, than adults, b) its not like this site restricts those "kids" from accesing "mature" games c) are there some guidelines or rules about this sort of thing written somewhere??
amok: try me - I am always interested in how people work, and I always try to keep an open mind. I will probably argue against it, tough, but that's just me testing it out, do not take it personally. (I am a grate believer in Popper's Falsifiability ...)
It's an explanation for why your argument that it isn't an issue was important to me. Pretty sure you can't argue against that..

Unfortunately, I'm having difficultly in wording it appropriately as it mainly involves someone else, but I will try again later. Sorry.
xyem: They didn't just walk away from Moto Racer 2 (even though now I can't play the game.. because of the DRM).
TheEnigmaticT: Huh?
I did mention this to you a while ago (in IRC I think) but I haven't gotten around to doing the further testing needed before taking any further action (like contacting support).

When I try to play, I get asked to insert the CD and can't proceed any further. I'm pretty sure I didn't get that before GOG took it down to "fix" the DRM.
Post edited May 30, 2012 by xyem
hedwards: Not really, you have a small number of self entitled people that want to make mountains out of molehills. This is why I've felt that the site needs more moderation for quite some time as people get used to the fact that they can get away with things that they probably shouldn't be allowed to get away with.
gameon: Are you referring to xyem?
Whatever would give you that idea? It seems like there's a couple people that are fanning the flames for whatever reason and I'm very much surprised that Mr Gog hasn't come in with a ban hammer.

If censorship were a real issue here on GOG, I would expect people to be banned in this topic and for the thread to be locked.

Ultimately, this is a commercial site and Mr. GOG bends over backwards to allow for people to freely express what they like, but it is still a commercial site and they do have to remember that publishers and developers stop by from time to time. Not to mention the confusion that ensues when somebody finally steps over the line.
xyem: but the phrase is substantially different. It's not the well recognised and commonly used phrase any more and as I said.. it makes the OP look a certain way (e.g. pompous) against his will.
Kezardin: Can't see anything preventing the OP contacting GOG direct and asking them to change 'gluteus maximus' to 'butt' ?
I think they should change it to Heine personally. But that's just me.
Post edited May 30, 2012 by hedwards
I'm in favor of derriere. Just sayin'...
This thread has been going on for 11 hours...
Just a friendly reminder that GOG pays the bill for these forums,and since they pay the bills they have the right to do whatever the hell they want as far as what is allowed and what is not allowed is concerned.
DieRuhe: It goes beyond that, really, which is why this thread is now ten pages.
hedwards: Not really, you have a small number of self entitled people that want to make mountains out of molehills. This is why I've felt that the site needs more moderation for quite some time as people get used to the fact that they can get away with things that they probably shouldn't be allowed to get away with.

I think we all remember what happened with that thread of pron from a couple years back. Where it happened when the GOG staff were at home asleep for the night.

That whole cunt thread that was referenced earlier really should have been locked and retitled, but I don't get to post in blue so that's not really my call.
What are we "getting away with"? Discussing what some see as "censorship"? It's a can of worms and people feel strongly about it. It's not a mountain out of a molehill; censorship in just about any form will elicit reactions from people who think. Perhaps you could suggest a more substantial/respectable/agreeable topic we could discuss? :-)

And I certainly don't equate this thread to the other ones you mentioned.
DieRuhe: It goes beyond that, really, which is why this thread is now ten pages.
wpegg: 4 pages you puny twenty post per page fool
Damn, you got me. I've been unmasked as a fool. :-)
Post edited May 30, 2012 by DieRuhe
DieRuhe: What are we "getting away with"? Discussing what some see as "censorship"? It's a can of worms and people feel strongly about it. It's not a mountain out of a molehill; censorship in just about any form will elicit reactions from people who think. Perhaps you could suggest a more substantial/respectable/agreeable topic we could discuss? :-)

And I certainly don't equate this thread to the other ones you mentioned.
No other forum that I've posted in would tolerate this sort of discussion of mod practices in the forum. If there's a problem, that's something that's supposed to be handled via PM and such.

And yes, this absolutely is a mountain out of a molehill, the OP is getting all freaked out about ZOMG teh cenzersihp !!!111!1!eleventyone. And completely missing the point that he hasn't yet been banned for posting an obvious troll topic and clearly flaming the mods.

Again, I can't think of any other fora where I could post such a topic without getting smacked with the ban hammer.

Debating censorship is fine, but bitching about this forum on this form in a flamey thread seems to be incredibly poor judgment.
JMich: Allow me to voice my approval/disapproval of this occurence as well.
--------------------------------------------- has a new employee, who is a regular of these forums and very happy to be able to help both the community and the company. He sees something that may or may not be considered offensive, and decides to play it safe and change it, using a long latin like phrase, hopefully trying to make it more lighthearted. He gets a lot of flak for that.
The time that the change was done was late afternoon, so it was most likely his call to do that, though he may have first consulted his superior for the course to take. The matter blew up in his face, which is certainly not something someone wants in his first days at a new workplace.
I do not expect any clear answer from as to whether this is company policy or not, since if they say that this is company policy, they alienate us, if they say that the employee was out of line, it's bad for the employee. However, if this does kick up a "serious" storm, they have to do something about it.
Now, I have voted on your suggestion, since I do find it a part of the lighthearted atmosphere of the forums, but there has been a post of "I also don't think it's so offensive" in that thread.
I will also put this down as "overeagerness to please", but I would drop this since it is the first occurence. It's not as if they've added any swear filters, or if they've started banning users for using a bit more colorful language.
So, while I do understand your concern over the over-censorship, I do not agree with this thread .
By all means. :)
I don't think many(if any) here were giving Judas flack(in the previous thread), or even trying to. Most of us seemed to "get" that it was either a quick judgement call and/or him trying to follow the rules set forth for him by the company as best he could. We were(at least I know I was) more worried that the change to that thread's title was a call made by the company (which Judas was following) and/or official GOG policy(Or signs of possible future edits on similarly innocent language in thread titles/etc.), and were voicing our concern about this and other things as a result.
Judas was obviously trying hard to perform well in his new role and it backfired. At the very least we can all say that both sides handled it pretty well(Better than most other forums, at any rate.).
TeT already said it wasn't company policy in this case. (Read his replies here and in the other thread.)
I also agree the original editing most likely occurred due to Judas eagerly trying to please his employers/trying to follow the "letter" of the "law", and because of this & other factors(Judas being a long time user of & a pretty cool guy, the incident being a one time/first time thing, etc.) I decided not to blame Judas for it. I was still worried(If only just a bit.) that it might have actually been official policy, though, so I decided to voice my concerns in the prior thread.

(No, isn't censoring swearing with wordfilters or banning users who swear, but they COULD someday. They also might never do such things[A more likely scenario, imo.], but if someone else thinks they might [Due to certain actions they witness on the forums/etc.] & they believe/worry that such might happen here then I feel they should voice such [In the proper manner & venue, of course.] rather than remain silent.)
I think Xyem made this thread more to make sure ACTUAL actions of censorship might never happen here rather than to complain about the prior incident mentioned in the OP post of this thread. I also think this thread was meant to be a more lighthearted attempt to talk about the issue than a serious one.

As for whether this thread is pointless or not....well it brings up an issue(Which some might feel the same way about & want to discuss.) OP found to be valid as a topic for discussion & it gives him/others a chance to do so in one place/in a civil manner while also allowing others to weigh in on the topic at hand. As such, I don't think it's as pointless a thread as you(seemingly) and others seem to think..
To ALL: I won't be replying much to new replies ITT until I catch up on the pages upon pages of replies already here. As such, if you write a reply to this post/me in general & I don't reply it's not because I don't want to but because I am catching up on older replies first.