hedwards: You know what I have better things to do than to argue with you.
The OP is being incredibly self entitled and I think this thread pretty well demonstrates that he's making mountains out of molehills seeing as he hasn't yet been banned for starting a flamebait thread criticizing the mods and stirring up trouble.
BTW, I do moderate elsewhere and I wouldn't personally put up with this sort of crap over there. I'm not going to tell you where I mod, but yes I do indeed moderate.
The mods here are incredibly permissive in what they allow folks to post here. I'll trust their discretion, but I'm personally not so permissive about these things.
As far as other thread arguments go, that's cultural. I certainly can refrain from such arguments and I often times do just stop when it becomes clear that things aren't going to get better. But I'm hardly the only one that argues around here it takes two to argue and I generally stop before they do.
If you have better things to do then why reply to me to begin with, and why choose such a snide sounding introductory line when doing so?
You are free to think that way, but I don't think OP is being self-entitled in the slightest(What about this thread
proves that Xyem believes he has the right to get his way [In this issue or in general.] on the forums?).
Also...."flamebait thread"? Do you mean you think OP made it to cause trouble on the forums? From what I read I don't think it is, or was made for such reasons. Can you prove that OP created it to cause trouble/troll/flame anyone? (Because unless you can then your pseudo-claim that this thread is such a thread or was made for such purposes is baseless.)
Also just because other sites(Like the one you mod for, for example.) dislike/discourage criticism against staff and site policy in the open doesn't mean it's a bad thing for forum users to do and/or that other sites should/have to/need to follow that policy.
That's just it.....this is GOG.com, not X/Y/Z forums. Every site is run differently, and you (seemingly)complaining that this forum(Or parts of it) is(are) somehow worse because it isn't run like the one where you mod just seems "silly" to me.
(As for you moderating: Well just because you mod for a website doesn't automatically mean you do any good at it, or know best how another site SHOULD be run/modded.)
And i'm glad they're that way(And not for bad reasons, btw.). It's alot better than a forum being overly heavy handed and taking offense at/punishing every (Actual or imagined) minor slight, at any rate.