jamyskis: I disagree. I find that the approach taken by GOG towards moderating with common sense is the best way that they could go about it.
Except it's not; when no guidelines are in place you can't expect anything and you can't take anything for granted. Rules and guidelines are there to make it clear for moderators first (and users second) when they need to act and on what and what do to.
jamyskis: You're British.
Except I'm not :) I live(d) in the UK but I'm Romanian, so let me tell you that I know what swearing is xD
jamyskis: I personally find the way the GOG forums are generally moderated - intervene only when there's a risk of an argument getting out of hand - is the best way to go.
Except it's not; see how the old GameRager things were handled (or better said, weren't) because moderators were lacking and clear guidelines were not available, and even before that there were countless inflammatory threads that weren't acted on.
Also, see how further threads after the GameRager temp-ban were left going while others were closed, seemingly at random as the content and tone in them was nearly identical. That is the reason guidelines should be in place.
jamyskis: Contrast it with the Steam forums, where they have clearly laid out rules, and yet they are hardly enforced correctly. Each mod on the Steam forums interprets the rules in their own way and some of them mete out bans and timeouts far too liberally. I've seen quite well established and sensible members of the Steam forums get banned for quite literally no other reason than the mods didn't like what they said (recent case in point - crunchyfrog555 - in my opinion one of the most civil and nicest regulars on the Steam forums).
That means that:
a) their moderators are total trash (and they are)
b) their rules are not clear enough.
As a counter-point look at the ArsTechnica boards to see rules done right and moderation done even better.
jamyskis: The more specific rules you have, the more risk there is of their being enforced improperly.
That's not even remotely true. Specificity has nothing to do with how well-thought or not the rules are. Yet again, go at the Ars boards and read the sub-forum rules (especially the Battlefront and Lounge) to see what I mean.