Posted February 02, 2010

Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted February 02, 2010
I bought this game on D2D a few months back on a sale they had. I finally got around to playing it around the holidays and I have to say it's one of my favorite games (I played) of the last five years. Great stories, top notch voice acting and the engine still holds up quite well. The D2D like the Steam version is patched with the latest official patch (1.2 or something like that). There are a few bugs here and there. Nothing game stopping though. The one issue I did have was low res textures on all the models. Turns out it's a bug when you have over 2GB of RAM. Easy fix though. Just run MSconfig under the "boot" tab select "advanced" and set your boot RAM to 2048. Reboot your machine and viola, problem solved. I set it back when I completed the game.
Anyway, if GOG is going to get it I would say wait. I'm always in favor of support GOG. But, if not, I highly recommend getting this game. If you do, try playing as Malkavian (sp?). The dialog options are much more interesting and sometimes hilarious.
Anyway, if GOG is going to get it I would say wait. I'm always in favor of support GOG. But, if not, I highly recommend getting this game. If you do, try playing as Malkavian (sp?). The dialog options are much more interesting and sometimes hilarious.

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted February 02, 2010
I suspect he means the forums are full of fuckwad fanboy trolls.

Everyone should play a malkavian but I don't think anyone should play it as their first character, its confusing enough a game as someone sane and at least with playing a malk the second time you kinda know whats going on
Post edited February 02, 2010 by Aliasalpha

Be vigilant
Registered: Oct 2008
From Belgium
Posted February 02, 2010

Everyone should play a malkavian but I don't think anyone should play it as their first character, its confusing enough a game as someone sane and at least with playing a malk the second time you kinda know whats going on
I played as a hot Malkavian chick the third time around and it's pretty funny. I should replay it again, now that it finally works again.

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted February 02, 2010
And pay careful attention to the tv, it knows things...

Three G's
Registered: Nov 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted February 02, 2010
All of the game-specific forums I've been on were very helpful, as well as containing intelligent conversation. Not everybody associated with Steam is a jackass or moron. (not that YOU said that, I meant that in response to your theory of what the other guy meant)

Dosbox l337
Registered: Mar 2009
From Peru
Posted February 02, 2010
As if i needed another reason to hate Valve. So true about not trusting companies that don't believe in deadlines. F*** "When it's done(tm)." Provide a release f***ing date.

Registered: Nov 2008
From Sweden
Posted February 02, 2010

On the other hand, if they hadn't been forced to a release date, the game might've been less buggy and had a more polished ending.

Dosbox l337
Registered: Mar 2009
From Peru
Posted February 02, 2010

I meant it for companies that have the "upper hand" like Valve and 3dr. If their engines' customers are going to abide by a deadline, so should them.

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted February 02, 2010
Other companies licencing an engine in development should only have to pay half to start using the in development version and then pay the other half of the full licence fee when the engine is complete. That sort of thing would have given valve the time wasting money they wanted AND not fucked over troika as much
TrIp13G: All of the game-specific forums I've been on were very helpful, as well as containing intelligent conversation. Not everybody associated with Steam is a jackass or moron. (not that YOU said that, I meant that in response to your theory of what the other guy meant)
Oh yeah I'm sure there's plenty of helpful people around, I know they exist its just a matter of finding them and this IS the internet, grand enabler of the dipshit

Oh yeah I'm sure there's plenty of helpful people around, I know they exist its just a matter of finding them and this IS the internet, grand enabler of the dipshit
Post edited February 02, 2010 by Aliasalpha

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted February 02, 2010

Yeah, my first play-through was with a Malkavian, and it was interesting guessing WTF was actually going on. My second time through I played a Toreador, and I was amused several times where I had guessed incorrectly at what the Malkavian had been talking about. In terms of getting the overall plot, playing a Malkavian the first time through is fine, but to get the finer points, playing something else first might be prudent.

damaged lemon
Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada
Posted February 02, 2010
I liked this quote from writer Brian Mitsoda:
"Between lack of sleep, being overworked, and possessing an unhealthy state-of-mind, the conditions were ideal for writing the Malkavians."
"Between lack of sleep, being overworked, and possessing an unhealthy state-of-mind, the conditions were ideal for writing the Malkavians."

Om nom nom
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted February 02, 2010
I have still never once played Nosferatu, despite loving stealth games. It just seems a tad TOO restrictive.

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States

Banned? Never.
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted February 04, 2010

Two completely different kinds of games. Bloodlines is a FPS with some RPG elements. Redemption is a straight up third-person RPG. Some people have been drawing comparisons between Redemption and games like Diablo, calling it an "action RPG", I strongly disagree with that assessment. Action RPGs generally lack an element of depth to the story and/or characters that this game is certainly not lacking. A closer comparison would probably be the Neverwinter Nights games, but Redemption is a bit lighter on the RPG stat crunching.