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I use a laptop at home and a netbook in work and I use dropbox to sync work documents and files between them. I would love to be able to sync GOG game saves between them too so I don't save to stick to one device or the other when I'm playing something.

Is there an easy way to do this with dropbox?
Post edited December 21, 2012 by lukew
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lukew: I use a laptop at home and a netbook in work and I use dropbox to sync work documents and files between them. I would love to be able to sync GOG game saves between them too so I don't save to stick to one device or the other when I'm playing something.

Is there an easy way to do this with drop box?
I once started on a batch script that would copy my game saves to a dropbox folder and then sync it over my pc and laptop. Aborted it somewhere in between, due to a reinstall of my pc. It's very doable, if your installation locations are the same. I made my script to automatically locate the save installations for the games based on the registry but that did not work for every game.

So ehm, I don't have a finished product, sorry =)
lukew: I use a laptop at home and a netbook in work and I use dropbox to sync work documents and files between them. I would love to be able to sync GOG game saves between them too so I don't save to stick to one device or the other when I'm playing something.

Is there an easy way to do this with drop box?
benjiir: I once started on a batch script that would copy my game saves to a dropbox folder and then sync it over my pc and laptop. Aborted it somewhere in between, due to a reinstall of my pc. It's very doable, if your installation locations are the same. I made my script to automatically locate the save installations for the games based on the registry but that did not work for every game.

So ehm, I don't have a finished product, sorry =)
Hmm, I'll look into that more. I dabble in batch myself sometimes for fun (lol) so this should be interesting, thanks. :)
benjiir: I once started on a batch script that would copy my game saves to a dropbox folder and then sync it over my pc and laptop. Aborted it somewhere in between, due to a reinstall of my pc. It's very doable, if your installation locations are the same. I made my script to automatically locate the save installations for the games based on the registry but that did not work for every game.

So ehm, I don't have a finished product, sorry =)
lukew: Hmm, I'll look into that more. I dabble in batch myself sometimes for fun (lol) so this should be interesting, thanks. :)
Good luck =)
It's always fun to dabble in scripts. But next thing you know it's 2 am =).
I did manage to automatically get my shared dropbox folder on every pc out of the registry, but I think the script I had is somewhere on my gf's pc. If I find it I will let you know.

Ah, found it:

Dropbox part:
@echo off

::Find Dropbox Installation Location
set KEY_NAME="HKCU\Software\Dropbox"
set VALUE_NAME=InstallPath

FOR /F "usebackq tokens=2*" %%A IN (`REG QUERY %KEY_NAME% /v "%VALUE_NAME%" 2^>nul`) DO (
set Dropbox=%%B

::Decode Dropbox shared folder for current user
Set dropboxcfg=%Dropbox:~0,-3%host.db
echo %dropboxcfg%

FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%A IN (`call ".\programfiles\base64.exe" -d "%dropboxcfg%"`) DO (
set dropboxshare=%%A

set dropboxshare=%dropboxshare:~30%
Post edited December 21, 2012 by benjiir
lukew: I use a laptop at home and a netbook in work and I use dropbox to sync work documents and files between them. I would love to be able to sync GOG game saves between them too so I don't save to stick to one device or the other when I'm playing something.

Is there an easy way to do this with dropbox?
You could use symbolic links. See this article on wikipedia on how it can be done:
Thanks for the script benjiir, very helpful of you. :)

I've heard of symbolic links before, I'm sure there's a program with a GUI to do it easily somewhere.
Symbolic links sounds to be a way easier solution though =)
I know and used it on Linux but never used in Windows.

Pro tip! =)

Hmm, I forgot you need a base64.exe (decoder) file to use that dropbox part, as it's reading the dropbox folder for the current user from a db file. If you are interested, I can share it
Post edited December 21, 2012 by benjiir
Would you consider using SugarSync instead? It let you choose which folder to sync. Since you are using dropbox for work, I think it's a good idea to use a different service to keep work files separate from personal files..
Aniki: Would you consider using SugarSync instead? It let you choose which folder to sync. Since you are using dropbox for work, I think it's a good idea to use a different service to keep work files separate from personal files..
Well, the dropbox I use for work is my personal one so no one has access to it but me and I keep the data in it pretty organised in folders so having save games in there too should be ok. Thanks very much for the suggestion but I kinda want to keep this consolidated as much as possible without using an entirely different service. I'll look into though, thanks. :)
lukew: Thanks for the script benjiir, very helpful of you. :)

I've heard of symbolic links before, I'm sure there's a program with a GUI to do it easily somewhere.
Of course there is. I'm just too much of a CLI junkie:) Here's a link. Project hosted by Google Code:

Requires the .NET framework 3.5 SP1 and Windows Vista or later.
I don't know about all this batch file stuff, but I just drag & drop my save folder everytime I stop playing a game.
I've set up SugarSync to sync my GOG Tomb Raider save games between my two laptops semi-automatically, so I can play it on both. In the end, I've ended up playing it only on one, so I haven't tested it that much. But someone suggested that SugarSync is a good option for synchronizing save games, and it seems to be quite easy to set up for that. But you have to set up individually for each of your games, unless you make it synchronize your whole GOG game installation directory or something...

That reminds me, I was a bit miffed that when I re-installed Windows + Steam, I seem to have lost my Crysis 2 and GTA3 save games. Possibly an user error, or those games just don't support Steam cloud saves... but on the other hand the cloud sync seemed to work fine for e.g. Portal, as far as I remember. Ie. when I installed Steam and Portal on another PC, I found at least some of my earlier savegames there (not all though).

Might be I am misunderstanding how exactly the cloud saves are supposed to work, but when making it semi-manually (like with SugarSync), at least you have control and know how things are supposed to go...
Post edited December 21, 2012 by timppu
lukew: I use a laptop at home and a netbook in work and I use dropbox to sync work documents and files between them. I would love to be able to sync GOG game saves between them too so I don't save to stick to one device or the other when I'm playing something.

Is there an easy way to do this with dropbox?
silviucc: You could use symbolic links. See this article on wikipedia on how it can be done:
Or hard links, which are supported since XP in Windows. That would be my first thought. I'd kind of like something similar to this as well. Well, for different reasons.

If there's enough interest, perhaps somebody would whip up a script to create links in the save game directories to a specific save area. I rather dislike the way that GOG games sometimes end up in random places with no particular reason for being there.

I'm not quite sure why Mr. Gog doesn't do something about that with the installer program. Although, I assume that has to do with the extra testing that would be required.