benjiir: I once started on a batch script that would copy my game saves to a dropbox folder and then sync it over my pc and laptop. Aborted it somewhere in between, due to a reinstall of my pc. It's very doable, if your installation locations are the same. I made my script to automatically locate the save installations for the games based on the registry but that did not work for every game.
So ehm, I don't have a finished product, sorry =)
lukew: Hmm, I'll look into that more. I dabble in batch myself sometimes for fun (lol) so this should be interesting, thanks. :)
Good luck =)
It's always fun to dabble in scripts. But next thing you know it's 2 am =).
I did manage to automatically get my shared dropbox folder on every pc out of the registry, but I think the script I had is somewhere on my gf's pc. If I find it I will let you know.
Ah, found it:
Dropbox part:
@echo off
::Find Dropbox Installation Location
set KEY_NAME="HKCU\Software\Dropbox"
set VALUE_NAME=InstallPath
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=2*" %%A IN (`REG QUERY %KEY_NAME% /v "%VALUE_NAME%" 2^>nul`) DO (
set Dropbox=%%B
::Decode Dropbox shared folder for current user
Set dropboxcfg=%Dropbox:~0,-3%host.db
echo %dropboxcfg%
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%A IN (`call ".\programfiles\base64.exe" -d "%dropboxcfg%"`) DO (
set dropboxshare=%%A
set dropboxshare=%dropboxshare:~30%