Gundato: There are MANY factors that can make a person decide not to buy something (a fun campaign that they want to wait a few months before replaying, bugs, lack of mods/DLC, etc) that are really just a factor of time. But when so many publishers/devs are dependent on those first month or so of sales for making future plans, that is a pretty big issue.
Wishbone: Again, what this should be telling publishers is "Stop releasing buggy crap". If they lose sales because people who "obtain" an illicit copy of the vanilla version find a buggy mess, and people who bought it on release tell all their friends not to bother, then it means they didn't do their job properly.
They can start by getting over their obsession with Christmas. Admittedly, this seems to have gotten slightly better in recent years, but it's still too much. If the publisher insists that a game should be out by Christmas, despite the fact that the game isn't really polished yet, in order to facilitate sales as gifts, then a couple of things are likely to occur.
1) They only get a small piece of those sales, because all the other publishers are also pushing out new games for Christmas.
2) The game will likely be buggy, unbalanced, etc.
3) All the people who did get a copy for Christmas tell all their friends that the game sucks.
And finally 4) Come February, everyone have played the games they got for Christmas, and are looking for something new and interesting, but can't find anything, because all the wonderful new games that ought to have been published around that time, have been shoveled out the door as buggy messes in time for Christmas.
Yes, I agree, that is how things should be. Isn't how they are.
And again, something like TW2: For most of us, that was largely bug-free. For a few, it was unplayable. You can't really fix that without incredibly expensive beta testing.
GameRager: For small companies I agree but most time people not buying one game they pirated and didn't like usually pirated a big name title to begin with. Even a good number of pirates know not to rip off the little guy. As such, if one game is buggy and another isn't and a pirate pirates two games deletes 1 and keeps 1 and buys that one game then it's capitalism at work, plain and simple. Just with the legally bad aspect tacked on of pirating to begin with.
And btw can you prove a good number of pirates DON'T try and then buy? Hmm?
Can you "prove a good number of pirates" actually buy things?
And look at how Project Zomboid got hit. Pirates used their update servers and cost them a good chunk of money (since they use amazon's cloud). So no, the indies are not "protected".
(Neither is GoG, by the way)
The concept of the "ethical pirate" is one that is largely made up, and is rapidly made clear to be false once they get what they want. People used abandonware because they couldn't buy older games. GoG came around, many of the abandonware sites refuse to support GoG because "they are charging for the compatibility work we did" or "they don't legally have the right, even though they do!".
Or, certain other torrent sites (that have the word "Gamer" in their names :p) used to be split with one sister-site for older games, one for newer games. The older site said "We won't let you upload GoG installers. If you want the game, get the non-GoG version". So the younger site then allowed GoG installers to be uploaded.
Also rager, where are you getting these "most of the time" statistics? I have friends who pirated Minecraft, hated it, and never bought it. And there are probably countless people who pirate 4x games and indie simulators, find it too hard, and never buy it. They'll see "oh, that looks so awesome, I gotta try that", then realize it took that person three years to make a youtube video.