Phc7006: Has anyone considered he might in fact be miscommunicating. What if he just meant to admit his game, once ported to the PC platform and perverted by UBI DRM schemes, would be so crap that it wouldn't sell well ?
Seriously... Console port , Ubisoft = no buy.
yeah, seeing how they port their console games he's probably onto something there, save us all the hassle :)
lukaszthegreat: Ubisoft actually does play strongly on PC market. Not only it has quite a lot of PC games but they are also quite good and also exclusive (anno now, before we got homm6)
but why oh why they have to use that drm. :(
That's a good point, and I thought I would use this opportunity to do some bitching of my own :)
Settlers 7 was a good example of a title like this, PC only, great series, but the DRM! I bought the collectors edition and couldn't play for 2 weeks because their always-on required servers were flipping out, almost everyone in Australia had this problem, seriously, not just getting booted occasionally, but the game wouldn't even launch all the way to the main menu, just the same message every time.