SimonG: Funny, for the last two AC games the major complaint was
"meh Ubisoft is lazy and stupid, they don't try anything new." Now, that we have a setting that demands a shift in gameplay. Everybody is complaining "Oh no, they are ruining the series".
I had a blast with all of the AC series ( AC II being the best, imo). They had a great working concept that even carried Revelations, which was pretty much letdown in all other aspects. I'm looking forward to this game and the setting. Apart from the colonization games and some obscure strategy games, the American Revolution is hardly covered in gaming (or pop culture in general). I'm glad they didn't go with the ACW setting, that is overused.
Yeah, i was thinking there were more but then I remembered that North and South, Jonny Reb etc were Civil War, not War of Independance (or 'War of Trechary and Treason' as us Brits call it (only not really))