JohnWalrus: While it was rotten to see the way people were harassing her in the comments, it's also pretty cowardly to disable them. I mean, c'mon, she's a big girl (or, that's the message she was advocating), so why can't she take some criticism?
If you look at some of the comments made about her videos on the net, you will see why they are disabled. Very few of the comments are genuine criticism, there tends to be a disproportionate number of threats.
JohnWalrus: Also, while I like the presentation and was entertained by this series, the only thing I've come away with is that women should always have lead or strong roles in all and every medium, and should never be kidnapped, hurt, killed, or otherwise mistreated without eventually getting revenge and showing off how strong and independent she is.
I think the point is that women in video games are absurdly disproportionately portrayed as kidnap victims, etc. My issue with this latest video is that I am not sure that it really adds anything to the first two videos. I feel that this particular trope has been done to death and its time to move on to the next one already.
mondo84: I liked the example of The Secret of Monkey Island being a good example of breaking down gender myths. I think adventure games sometimes get overlooked in these conversations which revolve largely around action or mainstream titles.
I agree, I wish she talked more about good games that did the trope correctly. Many adventure games have great examples.