Elenarie: Hey, I have very low tolerance towards some things, so I snap from time to time (that's how it may look in others' eyes). In my view, I firmly believe that I'm doing the right thing, and venting off like that was, and it still is, justified.
I try to be friendly, always neutral, and do not do things that I would not like others to do to me. Just as I do not post in... I don't know, PS:T related forums, lets say, about how the game looks incredibly old and bad, and keep repeating that in every damn thread about the game, even though I may be very well off topic because the other posters were focusing on the writing and music in those threads, I expect the same to be true in threads I actively participate in.
But sometimes, tbh, some people really piss me off (Yes, it is me being the idiot one here by being pissed off by the intermetz, but nevertheless, it still happens!). I expected to be trash talked, no offense taken. ;)
I can be that way sometimes, too, if the issue is one I feel strongly about and I am worked up from other things.
Being friendly is good and all(As long as you don't compromise yourself in some way, like sacrificing truthfulness for the sake of more civility or JUST to save someone's feelings, that is.), but you CAN be truthful and argumentative and still be civil imo. I mean if we all liked the same things and had the same viewpoints where would the fun be in that? Variety in such is the spice of life, I think.(And we all know that the SPICE MUST FLOW...ALWAYS...;)..)
As for expecting others to be the same as us...well it's kind of like assuming, and we ALL know how that goes, right? ;) I say we should just try our best to be happy when the day goes our way and people do things we like, and try our best to ignore or get a laugh out of the things that bother us.
People piss me off too...ever just wish you had your own Death Star sometimes? (Pew pew PEW.....zzzzzzZT!)
GameRager: Lol......it's as if someone took over my body and posted all these comments i've been making lately.....0.o
DON'T GO TO SLEE.......... gameon: Its as if Freddy Kruger is in the neighbourhood...
Wrong movie, boyo. :p