orcishgamer: Technically the comment was a one or two liner expressing simply the fact that they didn't think that the subject of Diablo 3 game play and D3's DRM solution were completely separable. It wasn't complaining about DRM, it was complaining about the premise of the thread, whether it's a valid premise or not, the premise was not about DRM but about whether the anything about D3 can be completely separated from said DRM. Given the design of the game it may very well be a valid point and probably was a propos to said thread.
GameRager: Funnily enough I said almost the same thing(Not as eloquently I admit, but...) a few posts back or so....
Well, great minds and all that... though this great mind is too harried to read all the posts before shooting off his mouth;)
I'm genuinely curious, if you have 6 minutes plus the time to answer, what you think of this:
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition/5743-You-Should-Be-Mad-at-Diablo-IIIs-Always-Online-DRM In a nutshell I think that touches on all the major points of criticism that I've had, and I think they're all very valid.
I'm not defending irrational criticism other than to say that often it's engendered by genuine frustration and a lack of ability to identify and verbalize (or whatever the internet equivalent may be) the true nature and reasons for said frustration.
Yes, there is irrational criticism, but there's also irrational defense. It's fair to label the folks irrationally defending Blizzard's actual mess-ups and obvious double speak (in the cases where they are presenting said double speak as their "message"). There's a lot of legitimate criticism and it's being frequently ignored by those inclined to enjoy D3 (and Blizzard's other products) put up with whatever inconveniences may arise (or not arise much in their cases) in order to do so.